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'ankh' shaped Tardis door key

Started by markofrani, Dec 01, 2007, 05:13 pm

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In that case, the scale is undetermined by me.  :)

Just for giggles, I'll probably laser cut some pieces in acrylic to test it out. I believe the Pertwee key is a little larger than the movie key, at least.


Awesome Brian thanks for jumping in with your research info on that
I want notes, lists and answers by the time I finish this here Juicy-a-Box! WARNING: I am Thirst-ay! And it is Fruit Punch! And it is Delicious!"


May 13, 2017, 05:51 am #77 Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 05:53 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: lespaceplie on May 12, 2017, 04:04 pm
I believe the Pertwee key is a little larger than the movie key, at least.

It's actually a lot larger since they're two different designs, for the most part. We all know the Pertwee key (also used by Tom Baker), and we got a decent look at it in "Planet of Spiders".

The Movie Key was a replica made by the 1-800-TREKKER people, based on the Spirit Of Light key from the late 1980s. That key was much smaller because it didn't have the extra room around the raised "flats" on the front that the Pertwee key had.

We're talking about two different key props; one's an apple, and one's an orange. The Pertwee key was made in-house (presumably), while the TVM key was an off-the-shelf, mass-produced, fan-made replica. (So anyone lucky enough to have gotten one of those TREKKER keys before TREKKER went bust has an exact copy of the TVM key.)

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"

Davros Skaro

I have these 2 TARDIS keys that I got off Ebay some years ago, could someone tell me if they are right, or have I been done for incorrectly made copies? I put a ruler next to them as reference to their size, you won't upset me if they are wrong. Thanks.





May 13, 2017, 07:05 am #79 Last Edit: May 13, 2017, 07:17 am by galacticprobe
The 7th Doctor key isn't quite accurate, Chris, but it's close. (What does the back of it look like? Does it have the constellation on it?)

The TVM (7th/8th Doctor) TARDIS key is one of the knock-offs. Here's what the 1-800-TREKKER key looks like:
The Spirit of Light key was very similar to this one, but has "SPIRIT OF LIGHT" engraved across the "T" on the back. These keys are very hard to find these days. If you enter the search on eBay you might find one, and if it's too expensive (as they can get), save that search so you'll get an e-mail notice anytime a TARDIS key is posted. I managed to get a recast of a TREKKER key some years ago, and while it's not 100 percent perfect to the key shown here, it was less than $15 US (free shipping) and a close-enough for me. (These Trekker keys can get into bidding wars and I've watched some of them go for over $150 US!)

Also keep your eyes on Mooncrest's web site. Their version of this key (Time Travel key Mk 8) is identical to the TREKKER key, and the price is reasonable. You just have to jump on them as soon as you see them because as I posted with the reply I got from Mooncrest, they get new keys in all the time, but they fly off the shelves just as fast as they get them in.

I hope I'm not the bearer of too bad news. As one of our members once said (and he has one of your keys as well as the TREKKER key, and the early 1980s cast aluminium one-sided key - which was the first key I ever got back in 1983 - and a decent collection of keys): "You can never have too many TARDIS keys."

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"

Davros Skaro

Quote from: galacticprobe on May 13, 2017, 07:05 am
The 7th Doctor key isn't quite accurate, Chris, but it's close. (What does the back of it look like? Does it have the constellation on it?)


2nd pic on my post shows the other side.

Quote from: galacticprobe on May 13, 2017, 07:05 am
I hope I'm not the bearer of too bad news. As one of our members once said (and he has one of your keys as well as the TREKKER key, and the early 1980s cast aluminium one-sided key - which was the first key I ever got back in 1983 - and a decent collection of keys): "You can never have too many TARDIS keys."


Nope, not bearer of bad news, but it'll do for me for now till I can "afford" a TREKKER key or such!  :)


Davros Skaro

Quote from: Borusa on Jun 24, 2010, 08:48 pm
In keeping with that, I particularly like the suggestion that there may have been no requirement (within the context of the show) that the key turn at all.  Just for the sake of adequately suspending our disbelief, imagine how an advanced technology like the Time Lords might see the practicality of carrying a "key" on a chain - they might even think it quaint - when that item was actually so advanced that it triggered the lock by simply being placed in the slot.  Today magnetic key cards are absolutely commonplace.

I was just reading through this post again, & noticed this comment, & I remember when I was much younger, I bought a padlock that had no entrance for a key, just a space on the side where I placed a ingot shaped "Key" in/on to it. It apparently was a magnetic lock with a magnetic key. I presumed that it had some sort of arrangement of magnets in it, (both lock & key) to unlock it. so in fact if the raised bits on the TARDIS key were in fact magnets, then it could quite possible open a lock if it was a magnetic one. The possibilities of combinations is only limited by the no. of segments on the key. 

Does this make sense? I also understand that the BBC wouldn't got to this sort of trouble either.


Cardinal Hordriss

My Ankh keys, my favorite is bottom row middle, random ebay find, seems the best re size and pattern, I can do more pics of each key if you want close-ups etc. -

I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...


I've got the top left one. BBC licensed product.  Probably not very screen accurate, but certainly recognizable.  And with a pleasing weight and dimensions. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."

Davros Skaro

Nice collection you have there CH, I only have the 2!


Cardinal Hordriss

I spent a long time looking for the perfect one so have ended up with quite a few. Just to clarify my intention was to be helpful not to show off... it's kind of sad really.
I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...

Davros Skaro

Quote from: Cardinal Hordriss on May 14, 2017, 12:45 am
Just to clarify my intention was to be helpful not to show off... it's kind of sad really.

Never took it as showing off, but helpful as to how many different ones there are around & to be careful in what we are buying.  :) :D ;D



Quote from: Cardinal Hordriss on May 14, 2017, 12:45 am
I spent a long time looking for the perfect one so have ended up with quite a few. Just to clarify my intention was to be helpful not to show off... it's kind of sad really.

Literally lol right now.  This is a board of people who build TARDISes--many with an absurd level of attention to detail.  This is possibly the one place where having over a dozen TARDIS keys is definitely NOT sad. 

OK, it might still be sad, but at least here you've got a good support group who also think it is pretty cool. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


May 14, 2017, 04:53 am #88 Last Edit: May 14, 2017, 04:55 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: Davros Skaro on May 13, 2017, 07:38 am
Quote from: galacticprobe on May 13, 2017, 07:05 am
The 7th Doctor key isn't quite accurate, Chris, but it's close. (What does the back of it look like? Does it have the constellation on it?)


2nd pic on my post shows the other side.

Okay; I see now. I do remember this version of the 7th Doctor's Classic Series key. Both sides were identical on this replica because at the time, I don't think anyone had any access to the original so they just guessed at what was in that "circuit" area on the front, and then just duplicated everything on the back.

It's only been recently (a few years ago) that some licensed replicas came from those that have seen the original prop, which improved the look of that "circuit" area, and corrected the back to show the (re-arranged) Constellation of Kasterborous. So that key you've got is one of the older replicas.

For a more accurate replica, keep your eyes on Mooncrest. They recently had gotten a few in, and within hours were down to just one left. (So what they said in their reply was right; they're selling these things so fast they can barely keep up with them!)

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"

tony farrell

Quote from: galacticprobe on May 13, 2017, 05:51 am
Quote from: lespaceplie on May 12, 2017, 04:04 pm
I believe the Pertwee key is a little larger than the movie key, at least.

It's actually a lot larger since they're two different designs, for the most part. We all know the Pertwee key (also used by Tom Baker), and we got a decent look at it in "Planet of Spiders".

The following pictures are of the genuine Pertwee version of the 'Ankh' key, They were taken by Matthew Purchase in 2011 at http://www.exewing.co.uk/event/doctor-who-day-1/ and are shared with Matthew's permission:

pertwee key.jpgpertwee key2.jpg

I've included the picture of Pertwee's eye piece to help with the scale.

I hope these are of some use.