May 19, 2024, 01:33 am


New, New TardisBuilders!

MY WWMM build

Started by Johnnie365, Jul 25, 2020, 07:46 pm

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I started by doing research on how to build a TARDIS by going thru every plan I could get my hands on and looking at hundreds of pictures people posted of their own builds. I decide to build my TARDIS using the Woodworking for Mere Mortals plans. First, because it is modular.  I live in New England and what they say about the weather is true.  So, I need to be able to take it apart and store it when I need too.  I didn't want to take the time and money to make it weather proof and besides, having it randomly show up in different parts of the yard is going to be part of the fun of owning it. Second because my experience with WWMM is that his plans are easy to follow.
I also found a blog from Shwalamalula, titled Camping Tardis, in which he built the WWMM Tardis, made improvements and upgrades, and did all the electrical work too.  I have to admit I don't know what he is talking about when it comes to the wiring, but I know it is English and I can see that it worked, so I'll just wait until I get to that part of the build and worry about it then.
I taught myself woodworking by watching WWMM videos and doing his projects.  I like his website because the plans are well drawn out, the videos are well produced, and Steve Ramsey (the WWMM guy) is fun to watch. He's a ton of personality and not intimidating at all.  I would caution though: don't expect to but some wood, a miter saw, and some nails and expect to get the results he has.  Steve is obviously a talent woodworker and his final pieces reflect that.  The videos he puts out are simple to follow, he is a very good teacher, and WWMM is a great place to begin your woodworking journey. Just be patient and set your expectations realistically. 


Welcome to TB.
I'm looking forward to seeing pictures of your TARDIS.




The electrical is really not that bad.