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emil's dalek

Started by atomicgraph, Oct 15, 2009, 11:13 am

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Quote from: atomicgraph on Aug 03, 2010, 08:40 pm
Quote from: Scarfwearer on Aug 03, 2010, 04:12 pm
Have you seen that wonderful tee-shirt on ?


i love it to bad they aren't offering it any more.



i can post a picture of it if its allowed


Quote from: atomicgraph on Aug 03, 2010, 09:17 pm
i can post a picture of it if its allowed

OK POSt AWAY.. and if it isnt allowed post in a PM..


Limited edition... I don't think there was a detailed shot posted even on projectdalek, but it was a picture of a wife opposite a dalek saying: "You not putting that in MY living room!"
Common problem :)



little update i finished the gun i need to go back and do some repairs on the front collar. i really needed a drill press to do that on. doing angled holes on that small of a piece with a hand drill made it come out very sloppy. dalek profile.jpg  to victory.jpg

almost finished with it next big thing is gonna be paint


Great work old friend.  I can't wait to see it milling around the South East!   ;D


Farewell Sarah Jane, you will be missed.


This is just looking brilliant, and shows off how much better and more fearsome this design is compared to the new 'jelly-mould' Daleks!! It even looks better in white than the new version!

Keep up the impressive work ;D


I agree, the colour white for your Dalek just, clicks. What did you say, that you were doing it in the Genesis grey colour. I'm just that'll be just suberb, but take a minute just to admire your handiwork here, it looks fantastic!
Can I just inject an item 1.5? Have you considered putting some thin black material behing the Heron Rib mesh, so that you can't see through the gaps from the outside... or were you planning on doing that anyways?
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?


thanks every one!!! i'm very excited to get this close to the finish line.

i'm kinda liking the white look myself but genesis grey was the color i picked way back when i started building. and i'm looking forward to seeing it in a different color. i'm not sure exactly what shade i'll be using but the "gunmetal" grey that VW  has been using lately keeps catching my eye. yea i'm gonna put more material in the neck. and hopefully it won't let light through, and i'll still be able to see out of it. i've still got a fair bit to do on it but its mostly cosmetic stuff. thanks agian


Beautiful work Emil, love to see a new Dalek on the scene. I have great admiration for anyone tackling a NSD. Not sure about the white myself, reminds me too much of the Supreme Bubble Bath from the new series  ;D Seriously though, I like the grey finish, though I waver more towards the "Destiny" style with a lighter grey and black slats and hems. Whatever you do choose, I'm sure it'll look brilliant.
Great Dalek ol son



thanks chris!!! well its no longer white. its a grey and pretty mean looking now
dalek paint.jpg

about 5 cans of a gunmetal grey from the auto store made it look a little more like metal. next up some good ol purple's method of weathering and finish putting it all back together again


Wow. Now I'm having second thoughts on what colour mine should be... I was always fond of Dalek Sec's black colour, and yours seems to be a rather nice variation on that, sort of best of both between him and the Genesis style. Looking great. What's his name?  ;D
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?


WOW!  You are amazing sir!  I love the gunmetal gray.  Gives it a sinister look for sure.   So Awesome!


Off the subject a little, but I really prefer this era of Dalek over the new Power Rangers version.  I was rereading your post today and just have to tell you again how impressed I am with this!  You rock!