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Height of the box

Started by saliavin, Jul 15, 2019, 01:15 pm

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Jul 15, 2019, 01:15 pm Last Edit: Jul 15, 2019, 01:15 pm by saliavin
Some time in the future I am going to try my hand at building a TARDIS exterior and I want to base it off the Troughton, Pertwee, Baker box also known as the Brachacki altered TARDIS I I would like to know how tall it was if anyone could tell me I would appreciate it greatly


Hi Saliavin,

You can find detailed plans for the Brachacki altered, with measurements here:


Good luck with your build,


tony farrell

Jul 15, 2019, 03:42 pm #2 Last Edit: Jul 15, 2019, 04:35 pm by warmcanofcoke
These might help:

Altered Brachacki Front Elevation - test version 1.png
Altered Brachacki Left-hand Side Elevation - test version 1.png
Altered Brachacki Rear Elevation - test version 1.pngAltered Brachacki Right-hand Side Elevation - test version 1.png

Please note that these plans have yet to be tested via photo-grammetry (something I hope that Slava (DW1200) and myself will once more be able to co-operate on) and as such might need to be slightly tweaked. (On past experience, any tweaks are only going to be by fractions of an inch here and there.)

The side panels have already been subjected to photo-grammetric testing and so are known to be accurate already - it's only the front and rear elevations that might need tweaking (please refer to http://tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=8649.msg109845#msg109845  and the wire-frame photogrammetric overlays shown in that topic).

I hope this helps.



These look great Tony. The only thing I'm not sure about is the depth of the sign boxes. I thought the original Brachacki sign boxes had been checked to be 5inches.
Measuring the refit using the Abominable Snowman ref pics I make these to be 5inches also. Is that not correct?

tony farrell

Hi Jonathan,

I agree that the original (1963) sign boxes were five inches tall. To me the altered (1966) sign boxes appear to be fractionally taller however, as stated above, these have yet to be confirmed using wire-frame overlays. (Slava and I are 'up to our eyeballs' with the Sharp Console at the moment so, confirmation of the dimensions for the Altered Brachacki Box's dimensions will be a couple of months away.)

You mention photos from "The Abominable Snowmen", I'm in the fortunate position of possessing some thumpingly large, HD, versions of these courtesy of the National Museum of Wales. These pictures are far too big to upload to the forum but, if you want copies, please message me and I'll gladly send you them.....

After all, in trying to establish truly accurate dimensions, many eyes are better than one (pair)!




Well Tony, I've overlaid your plans onto a photo from the Abominable Snowman shoot, and it looks like you are correct (as usual!).
Possibly the sign box is a tad shorter? Be good to verify with your photo-grammetry technique...



Thank you guys so much for your help and your quick response to my inquiry it should help a great deal when I get around to building

tony farrell

Jul 18, 2019, 03:55 pm #7 Last Edit: Jul 18, 2019, 04:01 pm by Tony Farrell
You're welcome - glad to have been of assistance.  :)

As you can see from Jonathan's post above, there would appear to be a slight discrepancy between my proposed dimensions and the photo onto which the provisional plan has been overlaid.

If you look, the perceived discrepancy gets worse towards the right of the picture/diagram overlay. This is for three main reasons:

The square lamp housing isn't mounted dead centre on the roof's top tier.
The roof's top tier isn't squarely mounted on top of the main structure.
The photograph hasn't been taken precisely square-on to the box.

So, this is where I'm genuinely grateful for Slava's (DW_1200's) help. He builds the wire frame model of the Tardis to my proposed dimensions and then 'rotates' and adjusts the angle from which the computer model is viewed so that it matches the camera angle of various photos of the Tardis. If something doesn't line-up against these multiple photos, I adjust my dimensions and Slava then repeats the process at his end until - after multiple minor adjustments - we arrive at a wire frame which matches the actual Tardis prop in all the photos.

This process took us about three months for the original Brachacki Box - to be scientific, we adjusted only one dimension at a time and then compared/overlaid the resulting model against the photographs after each adjustment. Each adjustment was made in increments of 0.0625" - so, it was quite tedious and time-consuming but, I think the end results were worth the effort. Again, I'm grateful to Slava for devoting so much of his time.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, the wire frames for the Altered Brachacki Box are at least a few months away and are obviously entirely down to when Slava has the time and inclination to devote to himself to the task and, as I intimated in my earlier reply, Slava is currently creating something really special on my behalf. (Cue mysteriously dramatic music... Dum! Dum!! Dum!!!  ;D)

Lastly - again subject to future 'wire frame' confirmation (I might be right, Jonathan might be right or, neither of us might be right) - I arrived at the height of the top sign-boxes as being 5.25" based on the widths of the timbers used to make them being 0.5" thick (the 'extract' of the picture is at actual size and the full photo shows all of the Tardis so, you can judge just how big some of the photos myself and Slava have been using):


Actually, that wasn't quite 'lastly'; Lastly, and this really is lastly (well, for now at least ;)), I really should repeat that I'm very grateful to the many people who have been generous enough to give me access to such great quality photographs and other pieces of information and Jonathan is among that group.

Erm, that wasn't quite 'lastly' either....

T  :D


I've just discovered the front and rear images here, which is a boon as I am redoing the '66 model for the TARDIS Reborn Skyrim mod. Tony, I know the dims have yet to be checked against Slava's model, but I wanted to flag something: I'm working on the front elevation and I can't get the height of the doors equal. The right hand door (looking at the TARDIS) is 77.5" as per the plans, but the left is 77.25". I can't see where the extra 0.5" on the left is taken up. I've worked the measurements from top to bottom and bottom to top.

   I really appreciate these plans and all the hard work. I'll ensure that you and Slava are both credited on the mod page.

Rassilons Rod

Dec 17, 2019, 09:12 am #9 Last Edit: Dec 17, 2019, 09:13 am by rassilonsrod
Quote from: Tony Farrell on Jul 18, 2019, 03:55 pm
Lastly - again subject to future 'wire frame' confirmation (I might be right, Jonathan might be right or, neither of us might be right) - I arrived at the height of the top sign-boxes as being 5.25" based on the widths of the timbers used to make them being 0.5" thick (the 'extract' of the picture is at actual size and the full photo shows all of the Tardis so, you can judge just how big some of the photos myself and Slava have been using):


As a long time viewer of carpentry videos on YouTube (mostly luthiery videos), I'm wondering if the discrepancy here is down to the wood being planed to square it up.  It helps to make better glue joints, but does take a small amount of wood away.

Just a thought...  :)
In the cities in the streets there's a tension you can feel,
The breaking strain is fast approaching, guns and riots.
Politicians gamble and lie to save their skins,
And the press get fed the scapegoats,
Public Enema Number One.

tony farrell

Quote from: ionsith on Dec 17, 2019, 01:11 am
I'm working on the front elevation and I can't get the height of the doors equal

Hi Ian, the doors are supposed to be uneven with the left-hand door being fractionally shorter than the right-hand one.  :)



Hahahaha... what's that about the most obvious answer usually being the correct one? ;) Much appreciated, Tony... I thought I was going nuts!