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New, New TardisBuilders!

The Tom Yardley Jones TARDIS

Started by Dematerialiser, Feb 12, 2009, 02:10 pm

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Some pics I found of the TYJ Mark 2 inside.  Just for reference. Not sure if any use to anyone at some point. :) Sorry if it's in the wrong thread. Wasn't sure whether to start a new one or not.. TYJ (28).jpgTYJ (26).jpgTYJ (27).jpgTYJ (29).jpg[attachid]TYJ (30).jpg[/attach]

tony farrell

I find pictures like these fascinating - not only do they show how crudely the prop was constructed but they reveal little details such as the different bolts used on the front and rear doors.

In the second picture it looks as if the Police Public Call Box sign has been repaired at some point (and the 'Plexiglass' label is still visible on the sign's backing film)!

The different methods of fixing the 'pebbled glass' can also be seen - in the first and fourth pictures it almost looks like putty has been used whereas, in the second, the pebbled glass sections have been stuck to the inside of the window frames - I assume (because this is a cruder method) that this too is due to repair work being done.

Thanks for sharing.


frax owen

Hi folks, i'm looking for a side by side summary of all the differences (other than door handle and lock position) between the Yardley MK1 refurb and MK2 please, were they pretty much identical or different beasts to the trained eye. I can tell which is which in the show now based on colour and the lock and doors but if you were to strip those away how would you tell?