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David Bradley Box II (Christmas Special 2017)

Started by d0ct0r200004, Jul 24, 2017, 12:50 pm

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tony farrell

I watched that scene being recorded - it took them all afternoon with it being shot repeatedly from different angles. At one point David Bradley's Doctor spells out what Tardis stands for only (amusingly) to intentionally forget what the last two letters stood for!

Quote from: galacticprobe on Dec 29, 2017, 06:21 pm
(In one of the earlier stories where a group of people, or a group of somethings, were carrying off the TARDIS, the 1st Doctor found the Old Girl missing and looked despondent and gazing into nowhere lamented "My ship... my TARDIS". I wish I could remember the story title for that one.)

The Web Planet, Dino!



Dec 30, 2017, 05:15 am #46 Last Edit: Dec 30, 2017, 05:27 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: Tony Farrell on Dec 29, 2017, 09:56 pm
I watched that scene being recorded - it took them all afternoon with it being shot repeatedly from different angles. At one point David Bradley's Doctor spells out what Tardis stands for only (amusingly) to intentionally forget what the last two letters stood for!

That's one memory I have a feeling you'll never forget! It must have been interesting to watch them set up for each take. Did they use more than one camera, or just reposition a single camera? (Most US TV shows that are not sitcoms or filmed in front of a live audience, are what they call "single camera" productions - not all, but most. They film the scene with just one camera; first the entire scene in wide shot, and then repeatedly with the camera repositioned for a close-up on one actor, and then the other, and another, etc. depending on how many are involved in the scene. In some cases they'll have a stand-in read the lines for the actor that's off-camera while said actor takes a break, and do the same with the other actors. One exception was 'Babylon 5'; for that one, to help keep the emotion that was established, the actors insisted on speaking their own lines off camera. Claudia Christian (Commander Ivanova) said Jerry Doyle (Security Chief Michael Garibaldi) took great advantage of that, waiting with his back to his unsuspecting co-star for his time to speak his lines, and then turning around and speaking the lines with a mouthful of sunflower seeds. What was intended to be a serious scene's close-up ended up being a laughfest because no one knew what he would have a mouthful of, or when it would do it.)

But most times when you see behind the scenes photos taking during or prior to filming shows like one of the 'Trek' series, there is only one camera in use, and in some specials they showed the scene being filmed with that one-camera long shot, and then setting up for another take with the camera repositioned for a close-up on one of the actors, and then the other (which is why you see the actors with their back to the camera sometimes have their mouths out of sync with the voice).

Quote from: Tony Farrell on Dec 29, 2017, 09:56 pm
The Web Planet, Dino!

Thanks, Tony. I had that title in my head, but was second-guessing myself because I've been mistaken with story titles so many times before. And it figures... the one time I was right in my thinking... :P

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"



My favourite shot of the old girls.. :)

Rassilons Rod

The lighting is beautiful in that shot. And watching the first incarnation disappear into his ship for the last time is particularly moving.
In the cities in the streets there's a tension you can feel,
The breaking strain is fast approaching, guns and riots.
Politicians gamble and lie to save their skins,
And the press get fed the scapegoats,
Public Enema Number One.


it also highlights the beauty of the "classic" style box.
If only a showrunner would have the courage to go back to this kind. OK i would LOVE to see a Met Box extior to the Tardis (who wouldn't) but hands down, the classic era 60's box (altered version)  just screams Dr Who to me.


Well the series 11 box has taken six or seven distinct design steps back in that direction, and away from the direction we've seen since 2005. It's not exactly like the altered original, or a met box, but it's the most like either that we've seen since the show returned.


That picture is...beautiful.
It makes me feel quite emotional... but then I have just had half a bottle of Rioja..
(Tony, you are one lucky SOB, being on set...)

You know, a lot of people are saying the old box is better than the new box (I have said it myself on several occasions), but this pic shows me that both are beautiful...
After all, a lot of people grew up with the new box... to them it is the original!!! All  the different boxes are wonderful in their own way...

Goodness me.. Am I loosing some of my prejudices???
I must be pissed!!!!




Mr Gatiss did a little video diary, where he spots the Hartnell box - nice glimpse of the texture. Don't blink! Blink and you..'ll miss it.



why doesn't the Guide mention them? - Oh, it's not very accurate.
Oh? - I'm researching the new edition.


Feb 15, 2019, 09:13 am #54 Last Edit: Feb 15, 2019, 09:17 am by thewhovian228
You think Capaldi's happy there, look a this pic of him wearing Jon Pertwees jacket



Nothing makes my heart flutter more than his smile.  ;D
"An apple a day keeps the... no, never mind."


BBC Promotional Gallery Images

Season Ten

"Twice Upon a Time"
Twice Upon a Time p05q8lvz.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05q8lyx.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05rqyst.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05rqyvd.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05q8m8x.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05q8mbg.jpgTwice Upon a Time p05q8mc3.jpg

The culmination of Tony's research. ;)
why doesn't the Guide mention them? - Oh, it's not very accurate.
Oh? - I'm researching the new edition.


Jan 26, 2020, 09:31 pm #57 Last Edit: Jan 26, 2020, 09:32 pm by danielc
Looks like it was used in the latest episode


Jan 27, 2020, 02:00 am #59 Last Edit: Jan 27, 2020, 02:00 am by ChameleonCircuit
Most definitely was, examining the lock/Pull to open panels confirms it, along with a few texture similarities
"Physician, heal thyself..."
-Paul McGann, Night of The Doctor.