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The Bradley Doctor's Brachacki Altered Box (Xmas 2017)

Started by nebula1253, Jun 30, 2017, 04:05 pm

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Jun 30, 2017, 04:05 pm Last Edit: Mar 02, 2018, 05:20 pm by Scarfwearer



This makes me very happy.

Is that Toms?

Whats everyone thinking?

tony farrell

To be honest Nebula, even though you've put a "spoiler alert" on this post, I think it would be better if you'd consider 'taking this down'!



A) Will the BBC get angry or something?
B) How do I take it down?


Oh, and
C) This is on Twitter and io9 already, so is it necessary?


Well, isn't this exciting... ;D

As for taking this down, since this thread has replies, only the mods can remove the thread now. But I'm curious as to why such an action would need to be taken. ??? (Unless Tony knows something we don't ;))
"Would you like a jelly baby?"

tony farrell

Jun 30, 2017, 05:07 pm #6 Last Edit: Jun 30, 2017, 05:08 pm by Tony Farrell
It was only a suggestion based on the fact that the Xmas Special is obviously still in production as is six months away from transmission. (So, no, I don't know anything about what's coming up and I don't really want to - I'd like it to be a surprise.)

I kind of assumed that the forum's 'spoiler function' is for episodes which have already been shown in the UK but which have not been shown in - for example - the USA because of the time difference. If I've misunderstood this, then I apologise.

So, Nebula, my comment wasn't a criticism of you but simply a suggestion.  :)



I think I know the spoiler in question and at least one part of it will make a lot of people on this site in particular very excited...


Jun 30, 2017, 08:06 pm #8 Last Edit: Jun 30, 2017, 08:21 pm by Scarfwearer
There are two ways a topic can go under spoiler control on the forum:

1. the original poster (or staff) can check the spoiler option, which causes it to stay under spoiler control until someone unchecks it. (since there's no prop association, this will be the one Nebula used). I would presume that this topic won't be unspoilered until after Christmas.

2. the topic can be associated with a prop in the prop database that debuts in a story that hasn't aired yet, or aired within the last 2 weeks. Spoilers are automatically applied and expired, and also hide the topic title and prop name until they expire.

When a topic is under spoiler control, readers will always see a red warning before they click on a spoilered topic or post, so should never see spoilered material without deliberately asking for it.

Davros Skaro

I'm trying to work out what is the "Spoiler" about this pic? I can see 2 TARDIS' & something in the foreground that might be one, but nothing that is going to give anything away! Or am I missing something?  ???



Clarification below

The second TARDIS on location would seem to confirm internet rumors that the first Doctor will be appearing in the Christmas special


Jul 01, 2017, 03:47 am #11 Last Edit: Jul 01, 2017, 03:48 am by Volpone
[response to 13drwho's comment]
...although if that's the case, I wish they'd used the AAIS&T prop. This is more of a 2-4 TARDIS.  Yes, I know 1 had it for his last serial, but geez...why do the post-'66 design for a character who left in '66 when you've already got a decent 1963-66 prop?
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."



It is the First Doctor, you can see David Bradley in the io9 pics next to PCap

Davros Skaro

Jul 01, 2017, 04:28 am #13 Last Edit: Jul 01, 2017, 04:28 am by Davros Skaro
you guys wouldn't happen to have a link to the page/site would you? I seem to be missing a lot here. LOL



Jul 01, 2017, 05:22 am #14 Last Edit: Jul 06, 2017, 05:52 am by galacticprobe
Well, if this image is on Twitter and i09 already, then it's all over the net by now. It will be on the Doctor Who Hub FB page before long, or on The Nerdist page. (The genie is out of the bottle.)

As for the rumors that The Jason and Nebula mentioned, it was confirmed on the Doctor Who FB page months ago, so that part is old news (at least for some of us).

Regarding Steve's (Volpone) comments... that could very well be the AAISAT TARDIS prop, but redressed to look like the TARDIS did in "The Tenth Planet". It's difficult to tell for certain with this image, but if you look closely at her, she's smaller than the TARDIS behind her, her roof lamp is larger proportionately, and her window panes and wall panels look decidedly rectangular compared to a New Series 2-4 version. So only a closer look at this prop will confirm if she is the AAISAT prop, but looking at her proportions now, she sure looks the part.

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"