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Master's Volatiser Bomb

Started by Davros Skaro, Mar 13, 2017, 01:45 am

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Davros Skaro

Mar 13, 2017, 01:45 am Last Edit: Mar 13, 2017, 02:11 am by warmcanofcoke
This is the Master's "Volatiser Bomb" from the "Terror of The Autons".


This looks like a length of steel pipe (yes I know some of this is obvious, but bare with me please) with a coupling on the end with a gasket & end plate with 6 bolts holding it together & one in the centre that looks like it goes right through to the threaded end, maybe with a rod on the end of the bolt, after being fixed to the end plate. Has an threaded end (more than needed) with an end cap screwed on.

Now my questions are; 1) What size would the pipe & coupling be?
2) What would be the length of pipe?
3) What is the RED bit that he is pulling out off the rod/pin? Specially made or of the shelf?

I've always be thinking about making this & though someone here might be able to help.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions,  8) :)


Cardinal Hordriss

It sort of looks like one of those rotating barbecue thingies -

I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...


Mar 14, 2017, 06:39 am #2 Last Edit: Mar 14, 2017, 06:40 am by galacticprobe
Great set of screen grabs, Chris! And it's possible part of that prop could have come from one of those rotating barbecue thingies. Remember back then, as today, prop-makers will seek out anything already available when possible to "proppify". It's always easier to modify an existing object than it is to build something up from scratch.

CH, do you have a photo of that barbecue thingy with a rule(r) next to it? It would help gauge the size of both that thingy and the prop (using the thingy's size and comparing it to the size of the one in Pertwee's hands).

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Mar 14, 2017, 06:15 pm #3 Last Edit: Mar 14, 2017, 06:21 pm by elkad
Looks like it's made of pluming parts, with a screen mesh top.

(Thought)  ??? Is the screen mesh round or oval like a microphone?

Master's Volatiser Bomb.jpgNova_angle_media_8x10.jpg

Davros Skaro

The top is knurling on/in the metal, done on a lathe or how ever "they" do it now. I did some when I was at high school when they actually taught wood work & metal work as a subject, don't know about now though.
My thinking is that it's roughly 2" pipe, 3" long flange to end of thread, cap about 2" long & half knurled. what does anyone else think? thanks for previous comments too.


Cardinal Hordriss

Quote from: galacticprobe on Mar 14, 2017, 06:39 am
CH, do you have a photo of that barbecue thingy with a rule(r) next to it? It would help gauge the size of both that thingy and the prop (using the thingy's size and comparing it to the size of the one in Pertwee's hands).


I'm afraid it's not my own thingy, although we did have one about 20 years ago, I found that pic on Google. As I recall, you have a pole with spiky bits onto witch you stick little chickens then you put the pole in the thingy and lay it over the BBQ and the thingy rotates the pole so the little chickens cook evenly.

But I think it's more likely what Elkad said lol.
I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...