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New, New TardisBuilders!

Wood supplies and other general questions

Started by cyberleader1991, Jun 05, 2005, 02:40 am

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Jun 05, 2005, 02:40 am Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 09:18 am by scarfwearer
Well, over here in the Great White North, a sheet of 3/4" plywood costs about 60 bucks, and 1/2 inch is about the same depending on quality. You will need about 6 sheets of each, timber for the base, different sizes of screws, glue, paint, primer, etc. etc. etc.

I haven't been keeping track, but I would estimate that I have put about $1000 CDN into my box so far. And I haven't found glass for the windows yet.


Aug 21, 2008, 11:58 am #1 Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 09:21 am by scarfwearer
Hi, I'm new here and for building things....
I wanna ask you guys how much did it cost you to make you're own TARDIS?
and waht is the cheapest-good kind of wood to use?


Aug 21, 2008, 03:47 pm #2 Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 09:22 am by scarfwearer
Well it depends on what country you are from.  Depending on the type of wood you use and your construction, it could cost $300-$1000 US.
Bill Rudloff


Aug 21, 2008, 04:45 pm #3 Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 09:22 am by scarfwearer
I had all my wood given to me.  I haven't had to buy a single plank... however, if I was going to go out and buy, I'd buy the CLS timber they use for internal bracings.  It's often on offer in the lumber yards, and a lot cheaper than a lot of other woods...
My pilot's license? That's out back in the Cessna. Or perhaps you're referring to my license to kill. Revoked. Trouble at the Kazakhstan border.

I could give you the details but then I'd have to kill you, which I can't do because my license to kill has been revoked.


Aug 23, 2008, 05:34 pm #4 Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 09:22 am by scarfwearer
i think i spent a total of $600 total for the wood and hardware. probably another 2- 300 for the finishing touches, paint,texture, glass, signs.


All I have to work with is the wood scraps found at construction sites in my neighborhood.   What should I go looking for(size and material)? And are there any little tricks I should use to make the finished product stronger?


I would really recommend that you draw up some plans first, or get some from this site or elsewhere. If you spend some time getting to grips with the drawings you'll be able to write yourself a general cutting list so that you'll have an idea of what wood sizes and quantities you need. Also, consider whether your build is going to be for indoor or outdoor use as this will affect the type of wood you might want to go for.


Inside is the most likely.  I doubt I have what I need to make it outdoors worthy.   The plywood that can be found at the construction sites rarely goes above 40in in length.  Is this enough? I can find larger but it is generally pretty hard.  I'm also not sure how much I can find of other wood types.  I am unmovingly stubborn I have found, when it comes to projects.  Does anyone have suggestions for how I can build this thing for free (or add close as possible)? 


Is there a way to do it for under 100 $?  I literally have no money to use on this but I'm doing it anyways.  What can I do with that budget?  I'll get to the 'can'ts' later.


Oct 04, 2013, 08:50 am #9 Last Edit: Oct 04, 2013, 09:02 am by blackbird
Assuming you're making a 1:1 scale 2005 era or later tardis, for $75 I bought lumber for the base (my base does not have a "floor" for the inside) two corner posts and lumber for the frame of the two front doors.  That did not include the paneling for the doors or any assorted hardware (hinges, screws, nails, wood filler, wood glue, paint or tools) or details (window glass, lights, lamp, door lock, door handles, signs).  I remember this because it was the first load of lumber I purchased.
That doesn't mean you can't do it for cheaper.  I had some scraps left over that I used for misc. pieces later.  And this was in the winter, I used the cheapest untreated lumber I could find and I shopped at Lowes in the US (location and weather could change the price of lumber).

After everything I ended up spending around $12-15,000 on it.  This is mostly due to a TON of costly amateur mistakes.  We probably ended up buying enough lumber to build it twice.  Also a storm caused the price of lumber to nearly double right as we were in the home stretch.


Like with anything else, you get what you pay for. I have been lucky to get 5/8" plywood squares from my job for free, which has saved me a bundle.
Also, there are different grades of lumber that you have to consider. Menards has 1" by 4"s for only 2.07, but they are also mostly the rejected boards.
Knots, warpage, and worn down edges are the flaws that downgrade lumber. Of course, the "select" quality boards are 8 dollars a piece. (all prices given in USD)
Don't mistake me, though. If you take your time in the low quality board area, you can actually find pretty good lumber. Just be patient and inspect every likely board for straightness and proper edges.

To save money also, I follow the following formula: I buy what I need to build, say, only one wall. Once I am ABSOLUTELY sure that my design will be viable, only then do I buy the materials for the other 3 walls. That way, the extra wood isn't just sitting around, and I don't have to pay the expense until I have to. Good luck, and we all look forward to seeing your build!


As Mutanrad has suggested get your plans sorted  so you can sort out the size of timber you need, also I found not to far from where I work a stage and set builder for the local theatres and playhouse, (we have three in a large city) they tend to discard lots of large timber and old sets when the show are over you could try and find someplace close to who do  that sort of thing, saved me some cash.
Good luck with the build post lots  pics.

Senseidale :) 
"In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important"


Thanks, I hadn't thought of that.   I have some friends that always seem to be in one party or another so I'll ask them.


You can also scrounge left overs from construction sites in their dumpsters.
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff


Quote from: savannah on Oct 04, 2013, 05:42 am
Inside is the most likely.  I doubt I have what I need to make it outdoors worthy.   The plywood that can be found at the construction sites rarely goes above 40in in length. 

I had to use 46 inch square plywood, and I found that to get around the size issue, cut the wall panels separately.


Like this. Then you can "piecemeal" the walls together from what scrap plywood you can find.