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Signal Triangulation Tracking Device

Started by warmcanofcoke, Nov 06, 2016, 10:41 pm

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Here's a schematic for a 4 LED Sequencer circuit. It is designed for 9 Volts, but can operate as low as 3 Volts if you change R4. LEDs sequence about once a second, but that can be changed by changing R2. It's a little involved to explain the calculations, but lowering the value will make it faster... increasing the value will make it slower. A potentiometer (variable resistor) can be put in place of R2 to have variable speed.

On a side note, I think we need a section in the forum somewhere to document common lighting circuits like this because they can be used in TARDIS Consoles and props alike. I have many LED light circuits I've designed for my Console... all based around cheap easy to build circuits like this. It would be nice to have an archive for anyone who might want to use them.

4 LED Sequencer.jpg


Why not start a Workshop thread?
why doesn't the Guide mention them? - Oh, it's not very accurate.
Oh? - I'm researching the new edition.


Jan 08, 2017, 01:55 am #17 Last Edit: Jan 08, 2017, 03:40 am by douglas442
Quote from: 13drwho on Jan 07, 2017, 03:23 am
Here's a schematic for a 4 LED Sequencer circuit... On a side note, I think we need a section in the forum somewhere to document common lighting circuits like this because they can be used in TARDIS Consoles and props alike.

The 4017 is a versatile chip, and can easily be cascaded for more elaborate functionality. A diagram from the old Motorola CMOS Data Book:


So, instead of a four-LED display being limited to only red or green or blue, one additional stage could allow full use of RGB LEDs for a sequential scan that alternates between colors. Or, possibly, even color blends with additional stages. Your scanning output might then not only increase in speed, but also in apparent frequency of light emission, as well.

A forum section or a dedicated thread would be a great idea, since circuit designs of this type have literally hundreds of variants for all types of applications. Therefore, narrowing that to such a focused specialization as prop-design would likely prove to be very helpful... especially to those who are just starting to experiment.

In the meantime, I'd recommend sites, such as electro-music.com ( one of the oldest electronic synth sites online ) for lots of useful resources that are generally along these lines.


"Show me a blinking LED, and I'll show you a man drooling." - Clive "Max" Maxfield

"Time can paint the Treetops with Colors of the Rainbow... but you cannot find the End, no matter how you try." -Kate Wolf

"... and I find myself on the Mountainside, where the Rivers change direction, across The Great Divide." -Kate Wolf


My note that the color LED needed to limited to Yellow, Green or Red was because those color LEDs are all 2 Volt(ish) so the resistor value will work with them with no changes. If you wanted to use a white or blue LEDs R4 has to be recalculated.

You are right that the 555 timer and 4017 counter can be used to make many, MANY interesting light patterns for props and consoles. That's why I would love to see a section for it. There are electronics oriented sites which have some information, but it can be hard to find for less knowledgeable. I've also found that the information I have found online is usually incomplete and takes some work to make work.


Oct 01, 2024, 12:29 pm #19 Last Edit: Oct 03, 2024, 02:11 am by 13drwho
By the way, I found one of these razors on eBay and I'm working on the tracker...FINALLY!!!