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Wilson St. Glasgow box refurb

Started by chriskingbees, Jan 17, 2010, 08:17 pm

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Jan 17, 2010, 08:17 pm Last Edit: Feb 03, 2010, 06:23 pm by Scarfwearer
Hi all
With the kind permission of Alistair MacMillan to use his images, the Wilson St. box has had a major refurb.

What was this:

Is now this:

New signage, interior and beacon working light, new door (Maybe) and best of all........ Blue, of course



Jan 18, 2010, 05:27 am #1 Last Edit: Jan 21, 2010, 08:59 pm by chriskingbees
HOORAY - thanks for posting!


Feb 01, 2010, 11:58 pm #2 Last Edit: Feb 02, 2010, 05:48 pm by teppic
Quote from: chriskingbees on Jan 17, 2010, 08:17 pm
Hi all
With the kind permission of Alistair MacMillan to use his images, the Wilson St. box has had a major refurb.

What was this:

Is now this:

New signage, interior and beacon working light, new door (Maybe) and best of all........ Blue, of course


The more I look at it, the more I think it's a new everything i.e. it's not the same box.

The windows on the front of the blue box appear to be slightly lower down than on the red one, and the base is much shallower, and the plinth it is on top of is smaller.

If I were a betting man I would say this is another of Ward's boxes that has been put in place of the original Wilson St. box, with the original going off for a refurb, maybe for installation elsewhere in the future?


Well in the second paragraph on this page:

it says "We have, however, compromised with one of our boxes (which is yet to be located back on the streets of Glasgow) having had the help of volunteers in painting it blue."
This sounds like they don't paint boxes in situ, that the page needs updating, and that you're right.


Ah, but they do paint in situ. The chap that took the pictures says that it was grey primed for a week before becoming blue. Mind you, the difference in the pictures does suggest it might a be a different box


ward westwater

Hello, Well spotted! I did indeed swap the Wilson Street Box for another. The base however had to be remove as the supporting metal rails were physically attached to the bottom of the box. I had a new base re-cast. I hope you like the finished result! Regards, Ward


Welcome to the forum Ward. Any movement on the eBay Mk3's? Are they from where you suspect? Hope you get that resolved. Hope you and Caroline are well. Speak soon,

ward westwater

I fear they may be, just waiting for a reply from Thames. Hope they are not as Thames had agreed to store them on site for me. Don't know how this will pan out if it is them though. Would like to have seen some pics from another angle to see if its them. Have you found any others for me to pursue? I got that post from Whitleas in South Shields.


This is all very enigmatic... :)

Welcome aboard, by the way...


ward westwater

Hi Pete, I have heard from Thames, my boxes are still there. I spoke to the guy selling these boxes and they are the real deal. They were found behind a hedge in a garden of a house being renovated. Need to see whats in my piggy bank! Regards, Ward




A picture of Wilson Street box on flickr. Access all around, the toilets are gone and the area has been pedestrianised



Needs a bit of a repaint already :(


Apr 25, 2011, 08:30 pm #13 Last Edit: Apr 25, 2011, 08:37 pm by galacticprobe
A repaint? Heck no! It looks very TARDIS-like just as it is. Simply wash off that bit of chalk graffiti on that one side panel and it will be fine. (I'm actually surprised that whoever did that with the chalk didn't write "BAD WOLF" on it.)

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Just found a video of a walkaround of this box, sometime in 2010.