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New, New TardisBuilders!

Original 2013 TARDIS console room plans

Started by Redgeneral, Mar 12, 2016, 10:47 pm

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Dan Martin was one of the set designers on Doctor Who and posted the plans/elevations for the 2013 console room and console on his website

Although the image is too small to read the numbers, it should give the correct proportions.



Mar 13, 2016, 05:23 am #1 Last Edit: Mar 13, 2016, 05:24 am by galacticprobe
Great image, redgeneral! Too bad Dan Martin didn't have a link to a larger one. Maybe we could have seen a note with a key measurement in it, like the diameter of the central column cover. Still a great find. Thanks for sharing!

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


I will offer unquestioned sexual favours to anyone who can find that image in a higher, legible resolution! Amazing find! :o


Mar 14, 2016, 11:45 am #3 Last Edit: Mar 14, 2016, 11:51 am by davidnagel
Ok a bit of trying to be really clever to guestimate the console dimensions based on these plans (which I guess could easily not be to the final prop but it could be very close).

Top of the schematic says A0 which I presume is the paper size, so I upscaled the image to the 300dpi equivalent dimensions (which is a very big file mind!) and then brought it into Adobe Reader which has a handy measure tool (as I didn't have Photoshop to hand), then using the 1:40 scale depicted around these sections of the schematic, I gathered the following dimensions:


Which if you ask me, aren't far off, specifically if you look at Matt's outline height which Google tells me is 1.82 m, which is 72.6 inches - am only 2 inches off! Given that the chosen image of him he does look a tad slouched, maybe I'm not far off at all.

I suppose the next best thing to do is: find a component we know the dimension of and work from there.

Boy that was fun, someone with better experience with these things (Tony?!) want to give it a go?


Oh the humanity!

I need to take a close look here and see how it goes.

I have a number of actual sourced components coming in that we can scale for sure.


I had the same idea as you davidnagel - I took the sheet to be A0 and stuck it in photoshop to use the measure tool and custom scale.

These are my measurements - all in cm

redgeneral console room dims.jpg

I aim to model it in sketchup and then create blueprints using sketchup's LayOut. I've used this method before to make blueprints of star trek sets ( and will probably use a similar style.


Mar 14, 2016, 08:50 pm #6 Last Edit: May 11, 2016, 03:37 pm by davidnagel
Nice, our measurements are generally close! Thats reassuring lol

Having said that if I set Reader to the actual scale of 1:10, as it looks on this design sheet, it throws my dimensions off completely. So lord knows how I got to where I did.


Based on scaling the keyboard keys on the one panel I get 50" wide panels.


Quote from: Primrodo on Mar 14, 2016, 11:52 pm
Based on scaling the keyboard keys on the one panel I get 50" wide panels.

Thanks Justin.

I've been acquiring some screen accurate pieces for this console so I plan to try and scale these in relation to pictures, but you've probably done a whole lot of that yourself with your console build. So I may not need to bother if 50" is anything to go by.

It'll be a fun exercise anyway.


Is that 50" at the widest point of the outside of the panel, including frame, or 50" at the widest part of the panel inside its frame?




I think he means the widest part of the outside of the frame, as in the outtest edge. Lord knows what the inner dimensions are, I haven't got that based on my own assumptions.


Resurrecting this thread as I've found a larger image of the top down view of this console room



Sep 09, 2023, 09:19 am #12 Last Edit: Sep 09, 2023, 09:22 am by drgrackle
Resurrecting this thread once more. As I've been reading the plans from Dan Martin's website, I upscaled the image a bit for the studio plan, and I believe the console measures 2145mm from side to side.

And I'm also fairly sure that the elevations listed on the side are, from the studio floor up, 1000mm, 1200mm, 600mm and 1600mm.

Now, I could be wrong but for the width of the whole interior, I think the length is 14040mm.

And finally, the height of the entire set, which I presume to read 9060mm

This these dimensions in mind, I imagine someone might have an easier time attempting to map out the rest of the room. To say the plan is "to scale" might be erroneous, but at least this is a start.


Proof of concept of my estimates. I think it looks pretty food.