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"Meeting Peter Capaldi" video series

Started by kiwidoc, Oct 07, 2015, 09:01 pm

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Oct 07, 2015, 09:01 pm Last Edit: Oct 07, 2015, 09:03 pm by kiwidoc
Hi everyone, with the Doctor Who Festival events happening in November I was sorely tempted to book a ticket to something, but found it really hard to justify flying to  Australia (my nearest location) for a ticket in the back of a hall to listen to someone speak, no matter how much I like the show.  It sparked a series of thoughts about how much of a fan was I and what would I get out of meeting 'heroes' in person so I wrote out some of those scenarios and have started a series of videos for your... enjoyment.     :o

There will be a new video each week until the Sydney Festival at the end of November when I may or may not somehow meet Peter Capaldi (and see what happens then...).   The series is here:

It's not the slickest production I know, but working by myself with a simple pocket camera and free software I'm fairly happy with how it came out.  Apart from the bits with me in it...    :-[      ::)



Oct 08, 2015, 06:53 am #1 Last Edit: Oct 08, 2015, 06:55 am by galacticprobe
Nice bit of the 'Gollum vs. Smeagol' that goes on in all of us in Part 2!

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Thanks Dino :)   Episode 3 is now live, featuring one of my prop's and with more (and Blue-er) props to come in upcoming pieces.

Still very cheap and cheerful but I'm enjoying the process.  If only I could figure out how to share them with thousands of people who then suggest to the BBC that they send Peter my way for a big finale...    Hey, I can dream!   ::)



Oct 19, 2015, 02:59 pm #3 Last Edit: Oct 19, 2015, 02:59 pm by galacticprobe
Nice Dalek! (I hope that blast was set to stun - like that Dalek did to Ian's legs in "The Daleks" - so you're recovery is a quick one. ;)) As for sharing these with millions... YouTube is the best way to go. Maybe there's even a way to link it on the Doctor Who Hub Facebook page? (Others somehow get YouTube vids on there.) And then there is 'The Nerdist' web and Facebook page you could link it to; again many others link some videos there.

So who knows? (As you say: one can dream, and occasionally some dreams do come true.)

"Making a wish usually helps." -11th Doctor

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Oct 26, 2015, 03:27 am #4 Last Edit: Oct 26, 2015, 03:29 am by kiwidoc
Hello again, I'm keeping to my weekly video schedule (just!) and there is a new Episode of "Meeting Peter Capaldi available on the Tube of You if anyone wants a peek.  There is a large blue thing in it and a peek at it's innards, if you're into that sort of thing...     ;D



Oct 26, 2015, 04:31 am #5 Last Edit: Oct 26, 2015, 04:32 am by galacticprobe
Ooooooooh... NICE! (Teasy-teasy with that beautiful console, I see. ;D)

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Nov 01, 2015, 09:29 am #6 Last Edit: Nov 01, 2015, 09:34 pm by kiwidoc
Episode 5: the time machine is now out!   This is the one you guys might appreciate the most, featuring quite a bit of a certain console that takes up a whole room in the house...

Still a hundred things to do on it and the column failed to work (again) for most of the filming but I think it holds up pretty well overall.

Series link here:

A few screenshots:


Nov 02, 2015, 05:54 am #7 Last Edit: Nov 02, 2015, 05:54 am by galacticprobe
Nice twisted imagination you've got there, Glen! I'm already looking forward to the next episode.

And I'm definitely kicking that Envy(medium-small).jpg level up a notch with regards to that console! She's amazing, especially seeing her in action! (So she fills up most of the room; at least you can squeeze her into one of your rooms.)

Great job all round, once again!

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Quote from: galacticprobe on Nov 02, 2015, 05:54 am
And I'm definitely kicking that Envy(medium-small).jpg level up a notch with regards to that console! She's amazing, especially seeing her in action! (So she fills up most of the room; at least you can squeeze her into one of your rooms.)

Great job all round, once again!

Thank you my friend, would be lovely if we live closer (well, if I lived closer to ANY of you) and we could take a trip together.   Maybe one day!   Hopefully I'll make some more vids in the future, more focussed on showing off the console rather than my current meandering storyline, but I must say I really enjoyed blowing smoke out through the console panels, it looked great!   Set off my fire detectors... but totally worth it!  :)


Nov 03, 2015, 04:57 am #9 Last Edit: Nov 03, 2015, 04:58 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: kiwidoc on Nov 03, 2015, 03:06 am
...I really enjoyed blowing smoke out through the console panels, it looked great! Set off my fire detectors... but totally worth it!  :)

Oh yeah... I was going to ask about that, but I forgot. (Guess you read my mind after the fact! ;D)

And yeah... the look... Totally worth it!

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Episode 6 - Dressing for the occasion is now available and will be last until after the Festival events.   "Meeting Peter Capaldi.   #DWFestAU

Or Series playlist: