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David's Hudolin TARDIS Build

Started by davidnagel, Jul 09, 2015, 10:48 am

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I was watching this episode last night and never noticed the TARDISy doors and windows but then again I dod have a couple of cold beers in me.
Reading your post 21 sept  Disaster of the split corner posts, I like the Idea of using bolts to fix them firm but can see the draw backs, I hope you manage to repair without rebuilding.
just a suggestion fill the split with good wood glue or something like Gorilla glue and clamp, dry,  sand repaint  :) sorted , you can make corner brackets or buy some to fix the post to the base.
In saying that I bet you have already done this.
keep up the great work love the build. 
"In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important"


Further to the comments discussion on TARDIS-like doors and whatnots, there is a place I pass on my drive home that resembles the doors again, alas not blue:


Thanks for the idea Dale, I did start to do that but I haven't plugged the gap as yet - which is something I should really do now that we have an onset of cold weather now.

In regards to where I may go now with the posts, I did find in someones abandoned stuff pile four very nice brackets that I could use for this, here is one laid up inside one of the posts:

12053108_10156169746530374_664645626_n (1).jpg

They'd create the connection the posts need to attach to the base, hell I could even leave the bolts in place too and have that extra rigidity, but one does question whether too much strain on bottom of the posts and whether any weight on the posts will create an even bigger disaster.

There's only one way to find out...


Great find they should do the Job with ease, I used smaller brackets on my first build and they was just fine, with the side panels attached and the  the weight of the roof  nothing moved even when we had high winds last year, she never budged.
so you will be fine, I don't think I would bother with the bolts a lot of hassle trying to get them in place, with the bracket you can just as needed.
hope this makes sense to you.

"In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important"


While I reconsider the post-base attachment and between work on the doors (which I've now realised I need more wood for) and starting on the sign boxes, I've been using parts of the box as a impromptu recording booth for my voice over work:


It worked quite well!


A Tardis recording booth, now that is different, 
"In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important"


Haha! Recording booth! That's one of the purposes that I had intended for my Tardis!


I drive past those blue doors many times too. I'm glad it's not just me who notices TARDISes everywhere he goes!  Those other doors are in Milton Ernest aren't they?   We must live fairly close to each other!  The Hudolin build is looking fab by the way.  :)


Nov 09, 2015, 07:38 pm #22 Last Edit: Nov 09, 2015, 08:21 pm by davidnagel
Oh no! He's found me!

Yes those none blue doors are in Milton Ernest.

Thanks! You're welcome to pop by and see it when its done, lord (rassilon) knows when that'll be though!

Quote from: type40 on Nov 09, 2015, 07:28 pm
I drive past those blue doors many times too. I'm glad it's not just me who notices TARDISes everywhere he goes!  Those other doors are in Milton Ernest aren't they?   We must live fairly close to each other!  The Hudolin build is looking fab by the way.  :)


What with the recent turning of the British weather, there is no major or exciting update to report, but I am slowly painting the inside of the wall panels, plus the door wood is now cut.

I have some textured glass (from a recommendation in a thread somewhere here) that I hope to put into windows when I build them soon.


I'm beginning to realise how big this thing will eventually be...



It always surprises me, just how square the panels are on the Hudolin.  Because I remember it looking exactly like the TARDIS. 

And I suppose it did, given that none of the TARDISes looked alike.  They always used to say that in a throwaway line in any article, but I never had any episodes on videotape so I never realized it at the time.  I remember, when "The Leisure Hive" aired, thinking the TARDIS looked a bit different and that I hadn't thought the POLICE BOX signs were blue before.  But that was it. 

I'm almost afraid to ask, because if you have a slick answer that's one less excuse to keep me from building a console, but what did you do for your time rotor?  The actual one had a seam, but I feel like it looks better without one.  Unfortunately you can only get that if you're prepared to shell out a couple thousand bucks, it seems.
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


Quote from: volpone on Dec 07, 2015, 06:36 am
I'm almost afraid to ask, because if you have a slick answer that's one less excuse to keep me from building a console, but what did you do for your time rotor?  The actual one had a seam, but I feel like it looks better without one.  Unfortunately you can only get that if you're prepared to shell out a couple thousand bucks, it seems.

If I had made the thing myself I could answer that more slickly, but alas I can only tell you what I observe from Sean's console: it does have a seam but this one is melded so I can only presume that Sean had it made at a great cost, maybe £500? at the time the thing was originally built. See: http://tardisbuilders.com/index.php?topic=572

And yes, I don't like very square panels but the Hudolin box just seems so right! I don't understand!! haha

Angelus Lupus

To my eye, the Hudolin panels have always looked solid and substantial, precisely because of that more square (than the original series) look, but without looking 'off' like the NST Tardises do. Maybe it's to do with the depth, or the fact that the stiles between are also thick?
Whatever the reason, this one is looking good!
A mixed-up non-conformist, trying to fit in.


Dec 08, 2015, 04:01 am #28 Last Edit: Dec 08, 2015, 04:16 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: volpone on Dec 07, 2015, 06:36 am
I'm almost afraid to ask... but what did you do for your time rotor?  The actual one had a seam, but I feel like it looks better without one.  Unfortunately you can only get that if you're prepared to shell out a couple thousand bucks, it seems.

Quote from: davidnagel on Dec 07, 2015, 07:30 am
...I observe from Sean's console: it does have a seam but this one is melded so I can only presume that Sean had it made at a great cost, maybe £500?

Well, depending on where you live and the shipping costs, there's a place in the US called Tap Plastics that offers some good-sized acrylic tubes for just a couple of hundred US dollars. If you need something other than the sizes they offer, you could always contact them to see what the cost would be, but then it could go up quite a bit since it would then be a custom tube. (The largest they offer in Cast Acrylic Tubing is 12" diam. x 6' long, with 1/8th-inch thick walls for $731.00. All of their other types of tubes are much smaller. And it's sad, but since the last time I checked just a few months ago, their prices seem to have literally doubled from what they used to be. The 8" diam. tube I'd been considering was just a tad over $200, now it's well over $500!)

It may be worth the effort to get a sheet of plexi/perspex and a round cardboard concrete former tube, and work at it with a heat gun to soften the perspex and form it around the cardboard tube, and then use some of that plastic-weld (or whatever they call it) to seal the seam. It might not look "perfect", but that seam could always be placed on a side that's least visible.

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


The cylinder for a TOS era time rotor is around 21" in diameter.  I've found places you can order that size.  But it is thousands of dollars. 

Anyway, I think the big thing with the Hudolin over the nuTARDIS is that it has the quarter-round detail on the corner posts and the "steps" under the POLICE BOX sign.  It's amazing what that does for the whole thing.  And of course it's got the great, clunky POLICE BOX signs.  I tried to go that direction but couldn't make it work on my build. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."