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New, New TardisBuilders!

The Season 15 Console Room

Started by absolutely, Nov 20, 2014, 01:29 am

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Nov 20, 2014, 01:29 am Last Edit: Nov 20, 2014, 01:31 am by eyebrowsofmattsmith
First build diary - I've only posted on here like two or three times so go easy on me  :-X

I've been making stuff on Roblox for a while and only recently have I decided to put some detail into it, so here's how the setup is going to be:

1. I make the model on Roblox first
2. I export the model into a .obj format and edit in SketchUp
3. I export the modified model from SketchUp into Cinema4D for even more modification and general beautifying
4. Profit. (ish)

This is what I have so far of the Season 15 console room, and naturally, the hatstand is going to be put in last. But please leave any critiques in the comments - but bear in mind that Roblox is a very limited engine, and I can't really do much until I've put it in SketchUp  ;D




These buttons are subject to change - the CSG tools didn't cut them right.



I really like what I did with the room, but again, if you see anything that I should change lemme know.


A quick little insertion - my Newbery box and a beauty shot of my massive Capaldi exterior beside my humanoid player scale model.




Bonus points to those who get the Type 102 reference.

vortex maker

Seems to be decent. I'm really curious as to why you chose the work flow that you did if you have access to software like Sketchup and C4D? It sounds easier to work with just one of them to me, although I haven't used any of them.


For such a limited engine, you're doing very well! Looking forward to seeing what else you can do with this!


Nov 20, 2014, 06:18 am #4 Last Edit: Nov 20, 2014, 06:18 am by galacticprobe
Quote from: eyebrowsofmattsmith on Nov 20, 2014, 01:36 am
Bonus points to those who get the Type 102 reference.

Looking good so far. And as to the Type-102 Form reference... I married one of those! (Never argue with a humanoid War TARDIS! She'll show no Compassion! ;))

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Quote from: vortex maker on Nov 20, 2014, 02:21 am
Seems to be decent. I'm really curious as to why you chose the work flow that you did if you have access to software like Sketchup and C4D? It sounds easier to work with just one of them to me, although I haven't used any of them.

I find it easier to work with Roblox Studio since I've been used to the controls for over 5 years now - but I can work SketchUp and C4D just fine when it comes to modifying, just not building anything from scratch.   :-\


(Meant to modify the earlier comment with replies to everyone but the site insisted on doing its own thing)

Quote from: expendable on Nov 20, 2014, 05:44 am
For such a limited engine, you're doing very well! Looking forward to seeing what else you can do with this!

Thank you very much!

Quote from: galacticprobe on Nov 20, 2014, 06:18 am
Quote from: eyebrowsofmattsmith on Nov 20, 2014, 01:36 am
Bonus points to those who get the Type 102 reference.

Looking good so far. And as to the Type-102 Form reference... I married one of those! (Never argue with a humanoid War TARDIS! She'll show no Compassion! ;))


Haha! Wish I had one - I could do with a break from reality  ::)


Nothing much to add - just the rotor. I'll be fixing it later.



Nov 29, 2014, 09:28 am #8 Last Edit: Nov 29, 2014, 09:30 am by galacticprobe
Might not seem like much of an update to you, but she's looking really good to me!

Oh, and with regards to this...
Quote from: Bazzle on Nov 20, 2014, 09:45 pm
Haha! Wish I had one - I could do with a break from reality  ::)

... Seriously, I did marry one! She goes by Kali when in "War" mode, but in normal mode she a Mary. (You really don't want to see her in War mode. Too many navy Corpsman got to see her War mode in the ER when my back went west big time and they were ignoring the "Coastie" - me -  in agony. It was ugly... very ugly.)

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


Ha! You should write a novel.

The Adventures of Mary and Dino - Dry Drowning


Nov 29, 2014, 06:27 pm #10 Last Edit: Mar 03, 2018, 02:45 pm by Scarfwearer
Quick little thing - the rotor was bothering me so I made it wider. I'm pleased with how it looks but I need to add some tidbits to the middle of it such as the triangle-thingy and the three wires. I'm thinking about adding the balls on top of the red tubes but I don't see them on a few Season 15 reference pictures I'm looking at so I might not  ::)




Added the balls and some other stuff to the rotor. I would make it transparent like it's supposed to be, but the Roblox Developers learned how to create transparent objects by looking through a fogged up honey jar after dropping some acid, so that would be next to impossible without it looking horrible.

But I think it looks good so far. Any suggestions?
