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New, New TardisBuilders!

Barbie and The Tardis

Started by drjacobson, Jan 09, 2014, 01:05 am

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My daughters have recently become interested in Doctor Who and Barbies. My thought was how can I give them a gift that will work with both, so I started to create a scaled model.  My first attempt was good, but the door was not as good as I thought.

My second attempt I decided to make a 1/6 scale and make it look more accurate.

Let me know what you think.


Your second one is very 1963.  Much like the miniatures from the series.  How do you feel about them?  I think they're cute.  Do you think you'll make another one?  Will you tell us about how you built them?  Do I see some sculpy in it?  Or is it card and glue?  How'd you settle on the color? 

I like your work.  It isn't on the level of some of detail that some people here have done, but it is very nice.  And most importantly:  do your daughters like them? 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


How do I feel about them? I truly like them. It was a fun problem solving the dimensions, and what I could use to make it look like the Tardis. Will I make more, yes I plan on making a larger one at some point. I saw on this site someone built a toy chest that would be cool to make. Then eventually build a full size so my wife and I can Time travel ;) 
These models are made from dollartree foam board, cereal box, drafting paper and hot glue(water bottle cap). The smaller one cost about a $2.00 and the larger one costing $2.00-$3.00. I used the dimensions from TARDIS builders MANUAL @ and just scale down to 1/6 size.
As I was building I tried to replicate how each of the parts were put together on the full size Tardis.
As far as the color it was a blue acrylic paint that I had, I thought it looked close so I used it.
I built each of them in one day, and for the amount of time that I put into them I think they look great. My three year old says look daddy, it's doctor who. To say the least they love them, and that's what matters.
If you are looking to make a cheap, somewhat durable model foam board is the way to go.
As I write, I see I might end up making another one soon. I'll have to problem solve a better door..:(


Jan 11, 2014, 01:54 am #3 Last Edit: Mar 03, 2018, 08:45 pm by Scarfwearer


Nothing says "job well done" better than a smiling child. Good work.


i'm hoping to make Barbie sized ones too (^_^)
looks like fun!