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Folding camera - Remembrance of the Daleks...

Started by markanthonyquested, Nov 13, 2013, 07:35 pm

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Nov 13, 2013, 07:35 pm Last Edit: Nov 17, 2016, 02:28 am by warmcanofcoke
Of late, I have been trying to source the vintage folding camera, as used by the 7th Dr in "Remembrance of the Daleks".  And I think I have found it!...


...On Monday, I bought this camera.  It is a ZEISS IKON NETTAR 515/2 version D camera, circa 1938.  And as you can see, it comes with the original customer receipt, instructions, envelope, case, etc!  It was sold to somebody in Gillingham, Kent, England (not far from where I live) in 1939.  Apparently, it is a German-made camera, which means it was purchased circa the start of the WW2!

Below is another photograph of the camera and some (poor, admittedly) screenshots of fhe screen-used camera.  Cosmetically, they look more or less the same...



Yours aye!

Mark Quested
"He posts, in confusion!"


Nov 13, 2013, 08:19 pm #1 Last Edit: Nov 13, 2013, 08:19 pm by DoctorWho8
Mark, your pictures aren't showing up.  Make sure to uses the Image Tag for links like this:
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff


Nice find. All your missing is a bit of fibre optic and you're there!


Jan 18, 2014, 10:31 pm #3 Last Edit: Feb 13, 2014, 10:30 pm by markanthonyquested
Further to my original posting, I have made some better screenshots:


The camera I purchased.

Copy of fhgfdjghd~2~01.jpgCopy of bcvbvbvb~2~01.jpgbbggh~2~01.jpgCopy of htffthfgth~2~01~01.jpgCopy of hhjuyuytu~2~01.jpgCopy of gghfhgfh~2~01.jpgbcbcvb~2~01.jpgCopy of fhgfdjghd~2~01.jpguntitled5~01.jpg

Yours aye!

Mark Quested
"He posts, in confusion!"


Jan 18, 2014, 10:44 pm #4 Last Edit: Jan 18, 2014, 10:46 pm by markanthonyquested


...The camera came with a case, but it was broken and I don't think it was an original.


...I subsequently purchased a genuine Zeiss Ikon case.


...And I purchased a genuine Zeiss Ikon Nettar box also.

Yours aye!

Mark Quested
"He posts, in confusion!"