Jan 15, 2025, 12:07 am


New, New TardisBuilders!


Started by geminitimelord, Aug 04, 2008, 03:30 am

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I must admit I was selfishly hoping you'd go slightly darker blue, and I'm so happy to see it! It sets the whole build off in a different direction and I love it! Lovely to see a night shot - are you lighting the windows differently now or are you yet to finish them in the same way as before?
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?


I had a fabric filter on the windows the first year i have since removed these so the windows are as they will be.

Kin the light or sun it really looks the same but as it gets darker the darkness of the blue is exposed. I hoped for real dark but i guess this works


You can always dirty it up with some black wash.
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff



wow looks nice like the patches of texture and the color came out nice too.


The rubber sealant definitely looks like a great substitute for the artex texture.
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff


Definately! The rubber sealant bubbled and gave that texture, corner posts and roof have it the rest is spotty. Stuff was $10 a can and it took 3 cans just to do two coats on the roof alone. But hoping it is worth it.


As I said earlier she will look fab and by golly she is ;D
"In 900 years of time and space, I've never met anyone who wasn't important"


SNOW well not much was too warm so it didnt stick long but first snow photo with new refit.


Ah! The Earth's gone sideways!
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff


Huh. You put the lock on the "proper" side for the 1963 prop as well.  I never noticed that before.  Silly me. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


Oct 23, 2013, 05:59 pm #506 Last Edit: Oct 23, 2013, 05:59 pm by galacticprobe
Quote from: DoctorWho8 on Oct 23, 2013, 04:18 pm
Ah! The Earth's gone sideways!
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff

How's this?

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"


you know I have no idea why it does that but when I upload from IPAD half the time it flips the photos.

I am sure that ADMIN can fix that error, with all the Course Correction goings on I am surprised it hasn't happened yet.



Had first torrential downpour since the completion of the refit. Last week when it snowed i checked the box and noticed the bad corner still had some moisture. Not much but enough to leave water stains on the new corner blocks. So i lathered that corner with silicone. Today, while it poured, i checked out the situation. Still i am getting a little moisture in that corner... What does one need do to water proof these things!!! I mean that roof got covered in two coats of liquid rubber, heavy two coats of latex paint and then a liberal application of silicone. Also getting a drip from the lamp. Not a big drip but a drip just the same. The lamp also was sealed properly with silicone.

Very frustrating. If not resolved it will lead to a premature end to this box.


I know you're pain. I have persistent drips...well basically everywhere. When it rains the inside of mine certainly isn't dry. And of course that has led to he end of my box... Or at least an impending end.
One thing I was trying to do during the build was weather proof each individual piece rather than just the whole box. So everyone got preservative on all ended for example, and to be honest I think what was a winning strategy, as my damage is not due to any particular wood-degradation problems. Maybe you could try something along similar lines?

Your TARDIS looks fantastic in the snow, the darker blue has added so much! Jealous, no son over here, and I love snow!
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?