Oct 03, 2024, 02:43 pm


New, New TardisBuilders!

Newbery TARDIS/Tom baker secondary wooden console

Started by cybermat, Sep 27, 2023, 08:55 pm

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Hello everyones. So here it is !

Project started : 15/09/2023 ----- ended (sort of) : 25/09/2023.

Cost : approx 300€ wood + 75€ screws / handles / paint etc etc...

It is not an exact replica, And it's my first big project on wood since my last console !
But I'm very satisfied of the result !
It's not quite finished, but most of the work is done !
As I said, not an exact replica, but the angle measurements of the trapezoids on the console are so difficult ! And even with help, I learned that you can't just copy a plan... each console is unique, and even if you want to replicate as much as you can, each measure, each angle will depend on you're first piece of wood.

As much as I could, I tried to make it look very similar to the 14th season console, and I think it's not bad.

I cut the internal trapezoid, but for the moment there is nothing.
Bought a mini computer to fit in.
For the rest I don't have much ideas right now... So if you have any ideas let me know !
Only condition, I want it to be functionnal ! (first panel will be a computer panel, screen, mini keyboard etc ...)
Even thinked about a second one with mini A4 thermal printer integrated too
Third one with an integrated geiger counter, because why not ?!

But what other option this console should have ?

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This is very nice! Having functional stuff in the panels will be really cool. Don't forget one of the panels was an organizer for paper and small items, like a real desk. Only three panels actually had controls. Look forward to seeing it with the computer and other "controls"



"The anger of a good man is not a problem. Good men... have too many rules.
"Good men don't need rules. Today is not the day to find out why I have so many."


Here is some update of the console project.

- First an objective view of the finale version of the console (time rotor added) (with internal lights)

- After 4 panels (partially finished) Like I previously told, totally custom made. And functionnal.

several buttons (all with lights) controlling either lights, power for informatic devices.

thermal pocket printer
home security camera monitors

computer panel still in progess.
And still don't know what to do with the last one !

Hope you enjoy. Lot of work has been done. And lots to come !

tardis 19.jpg

tardis 15.jpg

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tardis 18.jpg



IDEA: if you put fiber-optics in the column, add a color changing light, & put individual or clumps on key spots on the column. It will make the column look, part display, with glittering lights.

Andrew Harvey

Nice! Very Victorian Steam Punk....Good to see something done with the top of that type of console. I read somewhere once that they originally wanted a domed top with all the time rotor bits moving around....



I wonder if it needs one of those polished brass "governors". The thing that looks like half a pantograph linkage with a couple heavy balls all twirl around. One on each side of the linkage. Bringing a central rod up and down depending on centrifugal force, adjusting a hidden steam valve somewhere. Very steampunk. Even crazier if the balls were different colors and illuminated from inside. Just a wacko idea. If the thing all fit inside a plexiglass dome, all the better. lol

Cardinal Hordriss

Quote from: Andrew Harvey on Mar 03, 2024, 09:29 pmNice! Very Victorian Steam Punk....Good to see something done with the top of that type of console. I read somewhere once that they originally wanted a domed top with all the time rotor bits moving around....


Upon activation of the console the plan was for an iris to open in the top and a glass dome with some navigational instruments inside to rise out of the console.
I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...

Andrew Harvey

Yes, I remember that now you mention it. Wow, that would have been brilliant. It would also have been interesting to have had that kind of variant instead of the normal glass column.


Cardinal Hordriss

Quote from: WonderWheeler on Mar 04, 2024, 02:26 amI wonder if it needs one of those polished brass "governors". The thing that looks like half a pantograph linkage with a couple heavy balls all twirl around. One on each side of the linkage. Bringing a central rod up and down depending on centrifugal force, adjusting a hidden steam valve somewhere. Very steampunk. Even crazier if the balls were different colors and illuminated from inside. Just a wacko idea. If the thing all fit inside a plexiglass dome, all the better. lol

A centrifugal governor.

I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...