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2010 Tardis Top Sign Detail Observation

Started by philipw, Jun 13, 2010, 01:05 am

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Jun 13, 2010, 01:05 am Last Edit: Oct 22, 2012, 02:24 pm by Scarfwearer
I was looking at PMCs photos from the tardis he saw at the BBC and I wondered about the top sign constuction.

Below is his photo for reference.

This looks like a clear pieces of acrylic with a piece of black vinyl on the back side (notice the air pocket lines where they didn't get it completely smooth?), and then a piece of sign white acrylic behind that to create the appropriate backlighting.

IE, a sandwich of clear then vinyl applied to its back, then white behind that.

I'd like other thoughts on this, even if "of course, you didn't know that??)  ;)



I would say it'd either white acrylic or possible a second white vinyl layer behind the black.
If you were to have a "vinyl sandwich" between one clear acrylic sheet and one white, would that not help to reduce bubbles and any peeling of the vinyl though?


i think it looks like the vinyl sandwich, with white acrylic as the last layer. i'm not sure if white vinyl would allow the letters to light up.... maybe the next time someone goes inside they could take a needle and poke a hole, then squeegee out those bubbles....

oh right, that last white acrylic layer, would probably get in the way


Could be clear on top of vinyl applied to white too. The bubbles would look that way either way...and funny enough how I did mine.

However, they butchered the font :S


Interesting observation.  I've made signs like that in the past and was happy with the end result except if using flash photography to capture the box, the front layer of glass/perspex can reflect and spoil the signage.   No idea if this is the case on the show or if the hero prop has any other make up of signage (though why would it?)



FYI, that is a Promotional TARDIS prop, not a TV Prop.  But I would think the TV Prop's signage would be done in the same fashion.
Bill "the Doctor" Rudloff


hmmm, I must have orphaned a reply to this on another computer today...

yes, know it's the promotional tardis but also agree they might have made the signs the same way.

I have a laser cutter in my shop and I often make a paint mask on acyrlic by just cutting through the paper on acrylic, pulling up what I want to paint, spraying, then pulling up the rest of the paper. I might give this a test for these signs.


I finished my sign test. I used my laser to just cut through the paper mask on some sign white acrylic, peeled off all but the letters, painted it black, peeled off the paper letters and put a piece of clear over it. If this paint is UV stable, I think it will work great, if not, I'll have to get UV clear. Either way, I think not having vinyl in the texas sun is probably a good thing. Thanks to Bill Rudloff for the sign file I used.






I'd like to see that back lit please, looks very impressive I'm just curious how it looks with the light behind it


Philip, this is awesome. Now I already did my signs via Acrylic with some vinyl lettering applied. I am told it is UV protected but should for some reason it not work out I might have to go a different direction in the future.

What laser did you use to cut the lettering? What Paint did you use to cover?

I have been looking for a source to build me a white call box sign on Perspex could you possibly be the source?



Yes, I just stuck it in front of a light to see if the black was deep enough, but I really need to build a simple box and try it out. I used 1/4" acrylic, and it could probably be 3/16 or even 1/8, which would let more light through.


I have an epilog laser 24 x 36. To to the long panels I'd have to take a side off, but that should be possible. I used krylon black semi flat spray, two coats. I'll be happy to do this for anybody once I have it all figured out. You could also do the door sign by taking off the letters and spraying them black, but even more important there would be the use of uv resistant paint. I don't know that might be the best for that. Mabye rustoleum, which is generally considered an outdoor paint.


I'm more concerned with the light showing through the black part of the sign, or showing imperfections in the paint work, which is where I think the issue could be.

However if this does indeed work well, I may have to commission you to make me a set (if you're up for it and when I get that far) as I also have concerns about the heat from the Texas sun messing up vinyl.


Yes, I'll sort out any spilling of light before I attempt this for an actual build.


Vinyl should not have too much problems in any amount of heat if its applied correctly. I assume you see cars, trucks and signage in Texas with vinyl applied?


Getting it applied correctly is the issue though