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New, New TardisBuilders!


Started by Scarfwearer, Dec 22, 2009, 12:21 am

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Dec 22, 2009, 12:21 am Last Edit: Jun 15, 2011, 11:44 am by Scarfwearer
Tutorials can be on any related subject that is of interest to our members. The idea for this is that these guides can then be used by folks here within their own projects if they need it. The tutorials could be about something as simple as to how to hang a door to something more complex like how to weather the paint-job.

[noguest]Our one simple, but hard rule, is this; you can only post a tutorial if you have actually done whatever it is that you are talking about for real. Finally, please label the subject clearly. For example, if you want to do a section on texturing the exterior of a Police Box / TARDIS, please don't just call it "Texturing" as there are different types for different models.

Please make your tutorial an Article. You do this by clicking the "Is Article" checkbox under the "Additional options..." section when you post. When you do that, the topic will be listed below this text, and only you (or an admin) will be able to reply to it. Replies show up as additional pages of your article, and the subject of the reply becomes a new sub-heading.

You can post ordinary topics below to discuss the existing tutorials, ask questions or make suggestions or requests for new tutorials.