Jan 17, 2025, 06:42 pm


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Another doohickey from the Cardinal

Started by Cardinal Hordriss, Nov 15, 2024, 09:21 pm

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Cardinal Hordriss

No idea what it is or what it does but it looks damn good doing it lol.




I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...

Cardinal Hordriss

I speak to you from the final days of Gallifrey. I am the past you have forgotten. You are the future I will not live to see...


The Doctor finds reality has suddenly gone mad & normal rules no longer apply in this reality. So, to keep things sane for his companions. He has made the the pokeit realty govern. A device that corners off a small aria of space from going nuts, using a small amount of energy that's causing reality to go crazy.