Dec 09, 2024, 06:53 pm


New, New TardisBuilders!

Plywood Sheet Sizes in the Uk

Started by GAZAMCG, Nov 30, 2023, 04:15 pm

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It seems that the widest plywood available is 8ft by 4ft.

I was going to use this for all 3 sides and the doors.

I was hoping for the inside of the Tardis to be greater than 4ft wide

Has anyone found plywood wider?


I think 8x4 plywood is pretty much the standard size everywhere in the world.  There may be esoteric exceptions I can't think of but for practical purposes, 8x4 is the size you'll find. 


There ARE options. 

If you're looking to add a foot or less, there's the corner posts.  If they're on the very edge of the plywood, they'll buy you a little extra width. 

Or you could do some kind of multiple sheet variation--orient the sheets in..."landscape" instead of "portrait" format, hide the seam with the trim (I'd have to look at plans to see if this is practical or viable). 

Or use 2 sheets in "portrait" format, rip them to the width you want and hide the seam with the center divider. 

For that matter, you could go old school and build actual floating panel walls, where the rails and stiles aren't just cosmetic, they're actual structural elements with plywood panels between them. 

Of course each of these options adds some level of cost and complexity beyond just screwing 4 sheets of plywood together, but they ARE options.  :)
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


Great thanks again for your help!


Quote from: GAZAMCG on Nov 30, 2023, 04:15 pmHi,

It seems that the widest plywood available is 8ft by 4ft.

I was going to use this for all 3 sides and the doors.

I was hoping for the inside of the Tardis to be greater than 4ft wide

Has anyone found plywood wider?

Baltic Birch comes in 5' x 5' sheets. But it is expensive.



There is an exception I have run into in the US. Oriented Strand Board that is almost 6' x 8'! Only available as part of a shipping crate that motorcycles were shipped in to the US, as the sides. I bought a shed that a guy had made out of this, about 4'x 8' with a peaked roof on top. He apparently worked in a motorcycle shop and found a quick way of  making small sheds. The OSB weathers badly after several years and is not recommended with just a paint cover however.

This was maybe 20 years ago, might have been from Japan, not necessarily from China then. fwiw