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New, New TardisBuilders!

Tardis Build

Started by cdleeman, Jul 09, 2023, 12:48 pm

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Jul 09, 2023, 12:48 pm Last Edit: Jul 09, 2023, 01:43 pm by cdleeman
Hi! My name is Gavin I'm 16 and I've been wanting to build a Tardis for a while and I've gotten a lot of progress on it over a lot of time. Me and my grandpa have been building it for over a year and a half now. And I won't lie we've made mistakes on it quite often and haven't been able to find a full on guide on what I wanted to build so don't expect it to be a full on replica but it's going to be pretty close to a Tardis that looks like the Tenant, Smith, or Capaldi box! (This is also a prop build!)


Welcome to TARDISbuilders.
I'm sure your TARDIS is lovely, & I can't wait to see some photos of it.
Sounds like you've got a pretty cool grandpa...




Here was the first picture I took of it in the beginning of the base. We used 5 foot by 5 foot length for the boards. (I don't know what type of wood it was but it was just old barn wood. And sorry for low quality I don't know how to post good resolution pictures on here yet. Because the file size is too big.PXL_20220802_141727864_exported_466_1688919511113 (2).jpg)


More pictures of the base in progress  ;)
We cut at 45 degree angles for the cuts on the top exterior parts of the boards for the base, a middle beam, and then cut boards to the right length and width to fit in the base to stand on.  :D PXL_20220802_153237757.MP (1).jpgPXL_20220802_191113428.MP (1).jpg


Made the base smaller since the other one was a little too big. Here's size comparison PXL_20220802_191113428.MP (1).jpgPXL_20220802_222125275.MP.jpg


Jul 10, 2023, 03:28 am #5 Last Edit: Jul 10, 2023, 03:32 am by cdleeman
At my grandparents church my grandpa made this thing called an "Escape Box" for the church kids and we brought it back to our house since they didn't need it anymore. So we took it all apart and just needed the walls. (You can get you wood size anywhere we were just trying to save money lol) We set it up and cut the window holes just to see where we were at and I think It was really starting to look like something now! We also bolted the walls together temporarily just for the sake of putting them up. 👍


I'm still learning the ropes on how to post properly so sorry if this is kind of all over the place with stuff.


Got another wall put up and some window frames cut and it's looking pretty good so far!   :)


I'm sorry if the image's are a little grayed out, I'm not sure why that's happening. :(


Window frames are bigger on all sides now, we used tape to determine and measure how big the panels will be on the walls and also the window frame pieces are just smaller pieces of wood with dado joints so that they stick together and fit in the holes. (They were a pain)


TARDIS looking great.

Your pics are greyed out because you are missing a step when attaching them.

Once you have chosen & attached them, you have to actually insert them so they show up clear.
Hope that makes sense.
Don't worry about it, though, I made the same mistake at first,

Also, the easiest way to shrink your pictures without lowering the resolution is just to size them down using windows paint or similar.

Keep up the good work.



If you figure out how to post good resolution photos here, be sure to tell the rest of us. ;)
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


I found a way to post good resolution pics! You can use this jpeg image compressor website that I found and it does a good job! The most KB I think you can go up to is 512


We got a lot of progress on the box so I'll try to be posting a lot! But we primed the walls and base with primer! jpeg-optimizer_Screenshot_20230730-195131~2.pngjpeg-optimizer_Screenshot_20230730-195140~2.png


Got some of the paneling done and middle strip piece. It looks pretty good! jpeg-optimizer_Screenshot_20230730-195219~2.pngjpeg-optimizer_Screenshot_20230730-195228~2.pngjpeg-optimizer_Screenshot_20230730-195236~2.png