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Genuine Boxes

Started by TBG, Apr 15, 2003, 12:00 am

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Apr 15, 2003, 12:00 am Last Edit: Jul 04, 2011, 09:39 am by Scarfwearer
from Dr Who Monthly no 78
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hieronymous 11/07/2002

from Dr Who Monthly no 78
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hieronymous 11/07/2002

from Dr Who Monthly no 78
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hieronymous 11/07/2002

from Dr Who Monthly no 78
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hieronymous 11/07/2002

Inside the Phone Door
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You can see the outside panel is translucent by the way it's lit up... and if
you look at the ceiling of the compartment you can just about make out the
glass panel.
ukwookie 12/04/2003

Avoncroft boxes BEFORE
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Avoncroft boxes before restoration
ironageman 14/04/2003

Crich Box - telephone
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The public's view of the phone. Nice detail on the (original?) instruction
plaque at the back.
ukwookie 15/04/2003

Crich Box - Interior
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This is the rear wall. To the left of the pic is the metal conduit carrying
the power supply to the light and the bell, with a main on/off switch (lower
left) and a separate switch for the bell (centre). Note that the lightbulb
hangs down level with the 4 slots which allow it to illuminate the POLICE BOX
signs. The black detail at the junction point of the mains conduits appears
to be an additional bulbholder for extra interior illumination. You can also
make out the hinges and catches on the windows which allow them to open at
the top as hopper ventilators.
ukwookie 15/04/2003
This post is a digest of an album from the former MSN TARDIS Builder's Guild