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New, New TardisBuilders!


Started by russellsuthern, May 26, 2022, 07:30 am

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Hi all.

Last night on BBC 3 was the make up competition, "Glow Up."
This episode was Dr Who themed, based on the characters of "Swarm" & "Azure" from "Flux."

The episode featured Danny Marie Elias who is in charge of the prosthetics for the new series, & also showed a TARDIS exterior & console prop.

Here's the exterior prop:



And the console prop (Danny Marie is on the right.)



If anyone knows where they are from or if they were specially built for this episode, I'd be interested!

I also found a Youtube video of the challenge:


Hope you find this interesting.



scotland yard

No idea about the console but the police box is the prop from "Twice upon a time"!
Oh my giddy aunt!!


May 26, 2022, 10:04 am #2 Last Edit: May 26, 2022, 05:36 pm by Kingpin
The TARDIS/console sequences were shot at Doctor Who: Time Fracture (it looks like the console prop (the hexagonal piece with the controls specifically) was brought in specially for Glow Up, as it doesn't seem to appear in any photos of the UNIT base set I've found on Google beyond the bit used as the rotor column).


As Kingpin says, they were all filmed at Time Fracture. I have no specific knowledge, other than it looks like they just used the standard atrium setup.

The beginning of Time Fracture takes place in a mystery UNIT base, and that's what we see here. During one part of the story they push in a police box prop, a standard TPE Twice Upon a Time style box on wheels. The one we see here is that one, in the same position as it's left in the story.

Likewise the console is an original part of the story. It was a surprise for visitors that, during the 'crisis' moment, it's revealed that the UNIT base is actually built within an old TARDIS, origin unknown. The Doctor remotely activates the TARDIS to be able to save everyone, and at that point the console descends from the roof, revealing that the glowing column in the centre was a time rotor all along :)
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?


We'll probably have to make a dedicated topic for the Time Fracture TARDIS eventually  :), but for now, here's some non-camera screenshots of the console:



Thanks for posting those.
Shows the console much more clearly.




I much prefer this console to 13s current console. Looks amazing.


Something else interesting that I've heard about the props in Time Fracture, actually. Apparently contained within the sets and props for the tour are recycled components from old sets from the show, including the Smith / Capaldi console and console room.

I don't know what that means for the fate of the original props, but given that it seems the Chibnall-era console was unceremoniously scrapped rather than be saved for future generations, perhaps the BBC are currently engaging in the practise of WANTON VANDALISM.

I am joking, of course. The wanton vandalism happened in the 80s. This is just plain old vandalism. :D
Isn't it how ironic that we have to think of solutions out of the box, in order to build our boxes a lot of the time?


I am aways suprised they dont auction it off and know its somewhere safe if needed for future use rather than trash it. Very short siggted if true.


I agree.

Surely the BBC must know that there would be a good market for such items?
I just assumed they stored all the old props, including consoles.
They are always complaining about lack of money...why trash a prop that would easily sell for several thousands of pounds?
They'd get some cash & the prop would be preserved for future generations.

Hey ho,,,wadda I know?





Quote from: russellsuthern on May 27, 2022, 03:55 pmSurely the BBC must know that there would be a good market for such items?

I think ultimately the problem is that the Beeb just doesn't know what to do with Doctor Who in general, and a lot of the leftover props specifically.

The Experience was a great way of letting people get close-up to some wonderful bits of classic and modern 'Who iconography, and allowed some of the retired props and costumes to raise some funds rather than just gather dust or rot... It's such a shame it closed.


Yeah, absolutely gutted I never got to see it before it closed.

(But I did get to do both Blackpool & Longleat in my youth, so I can't complain too much!!)




That's disappointing if they have recycled the old console rooms for this. That console does look like its been cobbled together from the AISAT version and (I've not checked to be sure yet) the base of the column its wrapped around looks suspiciously like it comes from Capaldi's TARDIS.

I know storage space is a premium, but I'm gutted if they've destroyed the old rooms...


Quote from: fivefingeredstyre on May 28, 2022, 07:43 amI know storage space is a premium, but I'm gutted if they've destroyed the old rooms...
Mind you I'm not that bothered about the Whittaker TARDIS console room - I'd be happy if I never saw that abomination again... ;)


Quote from: fivefingeredstyre on May 28, 2022, 07:45 am
Quote from: fivefingeredstyre on May 28, 2022, 07:43 amI know storage space is a premium, but I'm gutted if they've destroyed the old rooms...
Mind you I'm not that bothered about the Whittaker TARDIS console room - I'd be happy if I never saw that abomination again... ;)
I'm with you there on Jodie's Tardis console and interior, very strangely designed and so darkly lit, I reckon if I'd have got picked as a companion I'd spend most of the time tripping over stuff! But still really surprised to here the older consoles have been broken up, I understand space to store must be at a premium so I wouldn't expect them to keep the whole set but the consoles I would have.
It looks the the Tardis console from AAITAS is making an appearance at the science exhibition in Liverpool.