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Fresnel lens question

Started by Osiran, Feb 04, 2022, 12:38 pm

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Hi guys,

I have three questions about Fresnels.I'd be grateful if any of you can help.

Were the lenses on the 63 prop, the Newbury prop, and the 80s prop all the same? Not the surround housings, just the glass lense.

Was the lamp (lense and surround) on the 1966 Dalek movie version the same as the 1963 TV version?

Were any of them the same large size as Met Police lenses as used on their boxes?

Thanks again.

"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes". The 4th Doctor


I do not know, but would suspect they were not the same.  Being glass--even very thick glass--I suspect the reason the lens from the original prop disappeared in the middle of a serial is that it got broken.  And even if it was just misplaced, I would think it would be difficult to prove it was the same lens years later. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


I agree with Volpone that It's very likely the lens changed with each new variant of the box, if not even more often.

The way they handled the props in those days, I bet the lenses were constantly getting lost or broken.

I'm not sure about the Cushing box, as it was a bit bigger, but I'm sure that a Metbox sized fresnel would have looked well oversized on the TV prop, so I'm sure they used a smaller sized set up.

All guesswork, of course, but I'd bet a bag of jelly babies I'm right!




Quote from: russellsuthern on Feb 04, 2022, 04:47 pmYeah,
I agree with Volpone that It's very likely the lens changed with each new variant of the box, if not even more often.

The way they handled the props in those days, I bet the lenses were constantly getting lost or broken.

I'm not sure about the Cushing box, as it was a bit bigger, but I'm sure that a Metbox sized fresnel would have looked well oversized on the TV prop, so I'm sure they used a smaller sized set up.

All guesswork, of course, but I'd bet a bag of jelly babies I'm right!



Thanks guys.

Do you think the design/size was the same? I'm just wondering if I can use a Hartnell Fresnel lens on my 77 and 83 model builds.

I agree about the Met lens. When I did my 1/6 1963 build I got someone to 3D print me a lens based on the Met dimensions. When it arrived I thought they had got the wrong scale, as it looked massive.
"There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes". The 4th Doctor


Someone like Tony Farrell could better answer that.  The man has done some very detailed research on the relative dimensions of TARDISes.  Just off the top of my head, for most purposes, you could probably interchange the lens for classic TARDISes. 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


Quote from: Osiran on Feb 04, 2022, 12:38 pmHi guys,

I have three questions about Fresnels.I'd be grateful if any of you can help.

Were the lenses on the 63 prop, the Newbury prop, and the 80s prop all the same? Not the surround housings, just the glass lense.

Was the lamp (lense and surround) on the 1966 Dalek movie version the same as the 1963 TV version?

Were any of them the same large size as Met Police lenses as used on their boxes?

Thanks again.
I think the original Brachaki lense was a bigger version than that on the Newbery/TJY, so I'd say they weren't interchangeable.

To me the Newbery Fresnel lense looks identical to the TJY, so I wouldn't be surprised if it was the same lense used between boxes - Indeed I used the same lense for my Newbery and TJY models (Hudolin as well, as the size fits my TVM lamp housing).

I think there were two different lenses used on the Dalek Movie props, the first one appearing smaller to my eyes than the more robust looking second movie lense; however I don't think either of them are the same as any TV box (The props were owned by different organisations as well, so Aaru could have got theirs from anywhere...)

I think the lenses on a real Police box was much bigger than any of the prop boxes; however that's anecdotal, and based on pictures we have here...