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Laser Cut Logopolis Build

Started by whovianjon, Dec 24, 2021, 01:48 pm

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Thought it was about time to start on my Jamie Bate Logopolis kit to make use of the dark winter evenings!

Could anyone recommend adhesive (I have a glue gun but not sure if that would be any good?) and paint type/colour for a novice at model building? I will post my progress here but any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance and Merry Christmas!


I would say neoprene works good and bonds well


Personally I would recommend wood glue, His kits are MDF so wood glue would provide a nice strong bond, it is also basically PVA so it would do a decent job at gluing some of the plastic pieces to the MDF such as the lamp. In terms of brand it really doesn't matter, but Gorilla wood Glue is pretty good.

Painting is a little more complicated, I would recommend priming it first, Halfords primer spray should do the job for this, and for the final colours I would recommend getting a blue acrylic, a white, and a yellow, you can then mix these together to get a good colour. A reasonably dark blue, with some yellow to brighten it and then some white to desaturate it slightly. Then you can use the white to drybrush it.
"Every great decision creates ripples, like a boulder dropped in a lake. The ripples merge and rebound in unforeseeable ways. The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences" - Seventh Doctor


May 24, 2022, 07:52 pm #3 Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 07:54 pm by whovianjon
EACC3E02-9910-468C-8FAD-9C52810D070C.jpeg1DD9DF39-8DC7-499C-AB6E-7216390CF53A.jpeg264C1A8C-5C00-432A-8DD1-0704E578C007.jpeg7A70730B-7A5B-4DF6-B5C7-E44BA4578E9E.jpeg59D42709-729A-455E-91E8-6593F468C26E.jpegFinally making progress and hoping to have my box primed by the end of the weekend. My apprehension about messing this up fades by the day and these kits are really nice to fit together. Just need to practice my colour mixing skills next!


Mini update. Been testing out some weathering tips and i think the use of baking powers and PVA works well (thanks to Osiran for his post and tips!) does this work well for a Logopolis box?


May 28, 2022, 12:09 pm #5 Last Edit: May 28, 2022, 12:20 pm by pockets
Looks good , maybe try  with  an application  of artists acrylic with  a stipple brush as second coat.


Model building finally coming together and it taking shape quite nicely!

Just need to get painted next. I have chosen a colour which is close to the Logopolis Box (i think!) but would like to hear from anyone who has used ready mixed paints from UK DIY sores, any recommendations are welcome!


I should have added that I plan to weather the blue with a grey wash.


What are you going to use for the lamp, windows and doors?
I will find those pesky Metboxes in hiding!


Quote from: rainybox on Jun 17, 2022, 10:23 amWhat are you going to use for the lamp, windows and doors?

I bought I lamp from Mooncrest models, milk carton as per someone recommendations on here for windows and I'm looking for door handles online!


Quote from: whovianjon on Jun 17, 2022, 01:33 pm
Quote from: rainybox on Jun 17, 2022, 10:23 amWhat are you going to use for the lamp, windows and doors?

I bought I lamp from Mooncrest models, milk carton as per someone recommendations on here for windows and I'm looking for door handles online!

Thanks that's great help for me! Your build is coming along great, would you mind telling me about the dimensions you're looking at for the windows, and all the tools/supllies you've used? I am a complete newbie and your help would go a mile and a half to help me out.

Looking forward to your finished model!
I will find those pesky Metboxes in hiding!


Quote from: rainybox on Jun 17, 2022, 03:16 pm
Quote from: whovianjon on Jun 17, 2022, 01:33 pm
Quote from: rainybox on Jun 17, 2022, 10:23 amWhat are you going to use for the lamp, windows and doors?

I bought I lamp from Mooncrest models, milk carton as per someone recommendations on here for windows and I'm looking for door handles online!

Thanks that's great help for me! Your build is coming along great, would you mind telling me about the dimensions you're looking at for the windows, and all the tools/supllies you've used? I am a complete newbie and your help would go a mile and a half to help me out.

Looking forward to your finished model!

Will do. I used pretty basic tools, bostik all purpose glue, ordinary filler from b&q, some clamps for holding parts together, ordinary undercoat from b&q then some paint brushes from hobby craft. Luckily the kit comes pre cut so just a case of gluing it together! The painting and weathering seems the more tricky part. Will post more when I have an update.


Making progress on the painting this week with the panels now underway. I think with weathering this should look OK.


I'm pleased with the weathering but not sure if these pictures do it justice!


Andrew Harvey

Thats looking really nice. I am looking forward to seeing it with its windows and roof. I just looked further up your notes here and saw you were using baking powder and PVA for texturing. Interesting. PVA and fine sand, even the fine dirt you find at the road side is good too. I may have mentioned before ( cannot remember off hand) that I sometimes do a bit of fossil prep, so I get lots of fine rock dust from that. It works well as a weathering powder. Mudstones are the best, as they are easier to process than the harder limestones. You can cut them with a junior hack-saw, so you dont need expensive equipment.


Yeh I'm pleased with the baking power result. Depending on how rough you want the weathering to be those materials suggested would also be good! I sanded mine down a little to make the weathering a little more subtle which seems about right for the effect I was looking for on my build. I've weathered the roof a bit now to subdue the blue and give it a bit more of a battered look and once I have all the painting finished I will be working on the windows next and will post more pics!

Hopefully this shows the painting with a black wash on the roof.
