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TRANSMAT2020's Altered Brachacki Build

Started by TRANSMAT2020, Jun 23, 2021, 12:20 pm

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Hi there,

I decided that I would use the lockdown constructively and so have built a version of the altered Brachacki box.  Although this is my first post on here, I've been lurking for a while and have a photo record of my build.   I will start with some of the first photos I took, back in July last year.


The main materials used in the construction were pressure treated softwood, plywood and MDF, the MDF being used for the main panels, base and upper "box", with plywood used for the roof.  The corner columns slot into holes in the base.  The box is seen here with the side panels added.  These are made from MDF overlaid with softwood cut to the correct dimensions and glued and screwed on to form the panelling.  they are secured together with loose pin hinges and bolts.


The front door is hinged and added.




Some of the box parts ready to be assembled, including the corner posts, panels, and top box section.  The top box section is made from MDF and sits on top of the corner posts.  Bolts are inserted through the tops of the corner posts and these have been placed so they will be hidden when the sign boxes are added over them.
The box is put together for the first time.  The apertures for all the windows have been cut out using a jigsaw.
As seen from above, the roof fits on with wooden clips at its rear, which engage with the top box section.  At the front it is secured by a sliding bolt. The door handle and Yale lock have also been added.
The steps below the sign boxes have been made from strips of MDF and glued at the base of the top box section.  The sign boxes have been made from various lengths of timber, finished with a front MDF facing (still to be added in this shot).  At the middle rear of each sign box is a bolt, trapped between the layers of timber.  The bolt is inserted through a hole in the upper box section and a washer and wing nut keep the sign secure.  The sign boxes are supported and kept level by the above door "steps" and one bolt is enough to attach each sign box safely.   The sign graphics themselves were produced using the "Avenir" typeface on the PC, transferred to tracing paper and then the finished letters hand painted in acrylics.



Signs in progress in the garage as a Dalek looks on!
The signs fitted to all sides
IMG_20200719_200709 - Copy.jpg
Detail inside the box.  The lamp will fit through the aperture, secured from below by four pivoting blocks of wood.
Components primed and ready for painting.
The box painted at last, in Valspar "Some Starry Night"!


Panels all ready with windows attached.  The side and rear windows have been made from MDF, painted grey and surfaced with decorative frosted plastic film.  The front windows are acrylic sheet faced with the same film.
The box so far, minus sign boxes, roof and lamp.
The sign boxes are completed, painted and attached, along with the newly painted roof.
The lamp is completed and inserted through the aperture.
The box is weathered using watered down black acrylic paint, and the front panel graphics added.  A top was attached to the lamp using a hard plastic hemisphere.
Another view of the completed box.  I'm really pleased with how it's turned out!

Angelus Lupus

Quote from: TRANSMAT2020 on Jun 23, 2021, 01:42 pmI'm really pleased with how it's turned out!

So you should be!  :o
Welcome to the forum, and congratulations (and the usual envy) on such a lovely box. I'm particularly impressed by the hand-painted signs!
A mixed-up non-conformist, trying to fit in.


Thanks very much!  That's very kind of you! ;D  It was a great project to tackle during lockdown, as I had plenty of time to work on it, although it did get held up a bit at first as it was incredibly difficult to source materials from suppliers. A lot of them still hadn't properly started up their businesses again.

I've just recently painted the interior matt black and am pleased at the difference that makes, especially with shots where the door is ajar!  Mind you, until I built this I hadn't realised just how long it takes to set-up and take down a Police Box.  No wonder in some of those location shots the camera moves slightly!

The box is going to be used in an amateur video project which is currently underway and I'm toying with the idea of making a full size Pertwee console for interior scenes.  Here's a couple of pictures of it with the 1/5th scale model we're using!

Side by Side!

Relative Dimension(s)!

Bye for now,



A couple of shots taken while I was trying out a few greenscreen ideas!



Why is it always soggy underfoot when doing things like this??? ::)


The box looks great.
Instantly recognizable.

The film should turn out great.

Loving the Dalek, too!




Here's a couple of shots from the video - it's mostly model work and some greenscreen material that's been shot so far!

TARDIS surrounded.jpg
The TARDIS is surrounded!

TARDIS from below.jpg
A homage to that shot from "The War Games"?

Bye for now,



One more awsome build, GG mate^^

I really dig the model that goes with it^^
I'm thrilled to see what you'll make of both of theme

Angelus Lupus

That first image with the Tardis and scale model together.. I totally guessed wrong on which was which! The only differences I see are there's no paint on the Yale lock on the full size box, and you haven't fitted the clover-leaf door-stops yet. Even so, I only noticed because I was specifically looking for differences, and those two are far less than the differences between the model and full-scale boxes in, e.g. Spearhead From Space, so I'd say you're doing great!  ;D
A mixed-up non-conformist, trying to fit in.


Quote from: Angelus Lupus on Jun 23, 2021, 11:44 pmThat first image with the Tardis and scale model together.. I totally guessed wrong on which was which! The only differences I see are there's no paint on the Yale lock on the full size box, and you haven't fitted the clover-leaf door-stops yet. Even so, I only noticed because I was specifically looking for differences, and those two are far less than the differences between the model and full-scale boxes in, e.g. Spearhead From Space, so I'd say you're doing great!  ;D
You're not kidding.  I'd testify under oath that the model on the show had a white phone panel door as late as "Horns of the Nimon." 
"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alters their views to fit the facts, they alter the facts to fit the views, which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering."
-The Doctor,
"Face of Evil."


Quote from: Angelus Lupus on Jun 23, 2021, 11:44 pmThat first image with the Tardis and scale model together.. I totally guessed wrong on which was which! The only differences I see are there's no paint on the Yale lock on the full size box, and you haven't fitted the clover-leaf door-stops yet. Even so, I only noticed because I was specifically looking for differences, and those two are far less than the differences between the model and full-scale boxes in, e.g. Spearhead From Space, so I'd say you're doing great!  ;D

Mission accomplished then!!! :)  When I showed that first photo to my nephew, he thought I'd secretly built a second box! :))

Actually I built the 1/5th scale box to help me with building the full sized version, and it was a great help indeed!  I also built it just in case I got cold feet when producing the 1:1 box!  For some reason I've not quite got round to fitting the clover leaf stops yet, probably too busy doing other things!  They're very distinctive aren't they and I remember first noticing them when I was watching the series in the '70s!  At first I wasn't sure what I was going to make them out of but I think I'll use a couple of pieces of shaped brass or aluminium sheet, as it's fairly easy to work with and should do the job quite nicely.  Does anyone have any suggestions for anything better at all?  I discounted using plastic as it could easily snap, as could thin MDF.

Anyway, I'm really chuffed that everyone is liking the box.  Now it's on to planning for my full size Kenneth Sharp console, with the one change from the tv version being that the final paint coat will be light grey, rather than light green, as it will be used in front of a greenscreen backdrop and the AE Keylight 1.2 keying effect would filter out any green in a slightly green tinted console anyway!!!

Bye for now,

