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Fibreglass Roundel (seasons 14-25)

Started by Teletran, Aug 24, 2009, 10:59 am

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Aug 24, 2009, 10:59 am Last Edit: Feb 09, 2010, 09:46 pm by Scarfwearer
I thought it would be nice to have a reference thread for the roundels which overlap several of the Tardis sets and are of course of particular interest to us console room builders. The fibreglass roundels were first seen in season 14 in the 'wood panelled' secondary control room. The following season they were carried through to the redesigned primary control room where they stayed throughout the initial run of the series.

Here are some reference shots from various stories and seasons.

(season18, corridor panel probably recycled from s14 set)
(season 21)
(season 22)

And here's a shot from my Tardis 3D model where I think the roundels look paticularly good.
The detailing here isn't very accurate, I'm trying to workout a 'clean' profile for the edge detailing.
This is what I have so far;
The profile is 3.25 inches wide, so if someone wants to print it out to that scale, hold it up to a real roundel and tell me how wrong I am I'd appreciate that. The roundels themselves are 19'5 inches in diameter and have a one inch border around the outside to help fix them to the set. They've been measured as being 1.25 inches deep but my profile comes out slightly shallower than that so we shall see...


Aug 28, 2009, 06:25 pm #1 Last Edit: Jan 26, 2010, 09:43 am by scarfwearer
Quote from: teletran on Aug 24, 2009, 10:59 amThey've been measured as being 1.25 inches deep but my profile comes out slightly shallower than that so we shall see...

Probably because the first concave from the right of your profile image is a bit on the horizontal side, it's more flattened than you have it and more on an angle too.  One of these days, I'll unbox the original s14 moulds as you can just about see some of the profile former marks if you angle it in a certain way in the daylight.

While we're on the subject, all of the season 14 roundelled walls were carried over onto the next set - predominantly to the right of the single inner door and the external corridor - they even show up as late as The Greatest Show in the Galaxy.  Even most of the season 20 set was a carry over too, great for budget saving costs eh?