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2020 Doctor Ru(th)'s TARDIS interior

Started by Kingpin, Jan 27, 2020, 09:36 pm

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Nice catch! I didn't notice that.


Another picture posted by the DW twitter


Quote from: superrichi1a on Jan 28, 2020, 01:12 pm
Not to state the obvious, but my favourite things are the pillars. They're exactly the same shape as the ones in the Tennant console room, from head to toe, which I love, and yet they still fit!

I checked this. Even allowing for changes in curves/angularity they aren't exactly the same... but they're certainly similar enough to make me think that the similarity is intentional. In particular it explains the otherwise rather unnecessary angle that protrudes into the room about halfway up the buttress.

Buttresses 2.png


Quote from: thewhovian228 on Jan 28, 2020, 09:11 am
This may sound a little mad... But I firmly believe that this is The Rani pretending to be The Doctor.

Love the new Console room though!!

I too, love the new console room. I'm leaning towards a parallel universe Master/Dead Gallifrey/Doctor, season.
why doesn't the Guide mention them? - Oh, it's not very accurate.
Oh? - I'm researching the new edition.


At the rate it's being used, the AAISAT console might eclipse the secondary control room console in total screen time. I just wish they'd also haul out the Kelt console for such purposes now and again.

On a related note, if I ever complete the scale replica for the fan video, I will be lighting it more like this than it was done back in the day. Can you imagine how much more dynamic the 70s and 80s sets would've looked?


Can anyone here figure out how this interior is laid out? Specifically the walls. I'm trying to figure it out but either I'm too stupid or it's different between the pictures. Probably the former.


(I know this is relatively unimportant but I had to point it out.) Unless it's a trick of the lighting, they left the console green this time!  ;D All those years of subconscious tension, building since Hell Bent, finally dispersed...


It looks white to me, just lit with the same pervasive faint cold blue as the rest of the room. As there's no longer an Experience to return the prop to would they have repainted it following "Twice Upon a Time" anyway?


Jan 30, 2020, 10:52 am #23 Last Edit: Jan 30, 2020, 10:57 am by Vale
WAITAMINUTE. There's something off about the walls. They don't match.


Measuring from the corner of the nearest half-roundel to the camera to the floor (in white) gives more-or-less the same result both left and right of the console, though the wall on the left looks like the bottom margin is slightly taller; it's difficult to be 100% sure due to perspective. But the upper margin (in red) is hugely different.

The full picture shows that the ceiling and floors look identical on either side of the console and ceiling unit. There don't seem to be any slopes that might account for a wall height difference. Therefore we should assume that the walls are of the same height. Also, measuring the height of the nearest full roundel to the camera on the left and directly comparing that height to the nearest full roundel to the camera on the right (in green) on the right suggests that, even allowing for perspective, the roundels on the left are apparently larger.

Have we found the missing "Hell Bent" wall sections after all? Looks like they might be mixing-and-matching set pieces of different scales here!

Angelus Lupus

I'm going to quote from user Cybermat on Gallifrey Base, who has some behind-the-scenes insight:

QuoteOk - here's another theory:

See this image of the Other Doctor's set, and note how on the right there's a bigger gap at the top of the roundels, than there is on the left. Yet the ceiling panels seem to match -- so it must be that the walls don't quite match.

In the episode, we can clearly see that the wall on the right has big double doors - but the join in the doors is off-centre. (I can't do screen grabs at the moment, but it's visible behind Jodie, in the scenes where they discuss the sonic screwdriver).

Now check out the Doorway Wall from An Adventure in Space and Time:


See how the join between the doors is off-centre. But in Twice Upon a Time, the join was correctly centred.

SO: In the first photo above, the Roundel Wall on the right comes from An Adventure in Space and Time.

So now, I'm sure that the Doorway Wall on the left is the one we built for Twice Upon a Time, for three reasons:

1: When we were prepping Twice, we did look into borrowing the Adventure walls, from the Dr Who Experience -- but in the end it would have been more work to remove them from the exhibition, than to make new ones. However, before that was decided, I measured them up -- and discovered that the roundels were an inch smaller than the original ones shown on the 1963 blueprints. When we built the Twice walls, we followed those blueprints faithfully -- so that's why the Roundels on the left go up higher in this photo.

2: Meanwhile, the Adventure's roundels had vacuum-formed rears, with a 3-D step back in the middle (like the Hartnell originals), but for Twice we cheated, and just had flat perspex disks, with a routed groove, to imply the step-back. In this photo, the backlit roundels on the right have a shadow which suggests the Adventure's 3-D rears, while the ones on the left look flat, as in Twice.

3: On the 1963 blueprints, the gap between the door's roundels and those on the adjacent wall, is slightly wider than the gap between neighbouring (non-door) roundels on the wall -- so that's what we did on the Twice Doors. But on Adventure they made the gap between roundels the same all over, including around the edge of the door. And that difference is also what we're seeing, between the left & right walls, on this photo of the Other Doctor's set.
A mixed-up non-conformist, trying to fit in.


Jan 30, 2020, 02:26 pm #25 Last Edit: Jan 30, 2020, 02:32 pm by Vale
Interesting and good information! I avoid Gallifrey Base as a rule so I'd never have seen that otherwise.

Reviewing the episode knowing this information, I'm guessing that this is the general structure of the room. Going clockwise from the top: The downlighter section with the odd gold structures and the chameleon arch; the blank wall from AAiSaT; the hexagonal graphics... thing (scanner?); the inner door; the door wall from AAiSaT; the blank wall from TUaT.


Not to scale, obviously, but I did try to orient the console correctly with regards to the walls. It's also odd that both the inner and the outer doors seem to be next to each other instead of facing each other, but that's dimensional transcendentalism for you.

The inner doorway wall, judging from the way the roundels are illuminated in the publicity photos, is also a "TUaT" wall with roundels that have a routed groove. The corridor wall beyond looks like it has the 3D roundels from "AAiSaT" though, which would presumably be where the 8-roundel-long side wall from "AAiSaT" has ended up.


This would imply that the majority of this set is actually repurposed assets from "AAiSaT" rather than "TUaT" - at least as far as roundels are concerned.


Probably worthy of another thread but

in which case...

what happened to the interior walls from Hell Bent?

Angelus Lupus

Jan 30, 2020, 03:57 pm #27 Last Edit: Jan 30, 2020, 04:03 pm by Angelus Lupus
Quote from: davidnagel on Jan 30, 2020, 03:14 pm
...what happened to the interior walls from Hell Bent?

Also from CyberMatt aka Matt Sanders (I hope it's ok to keep quoting him):
QuoteI was the Art Dept Draftsman on Twice Upon a Time in 2017, so can tell you that by that stage the Hell Bent roundel walls no longer existed.... the Hell Bent doors were too small (less than 6ft tall, instead of the correct 7ft) because the team under-estimated the roundel-diameter -- so they had to avoid shots where Peter Capaldi bashed his head on the way in...

When we were doing TUAT, Brian Minchin said, "You will get the doors the right size this time, won't you?" Luckily we were able to track down the original construction drawings from 1963, so this time the size was exactly right.

Quote from: Vale on Jan 30, 2020, 02:26 pm
I avoid Gallifrey Base as a rule so I'd never have seen that otherwise.

I'm guessing you've seen some negative folks over there in the past? I joined there for season 11, because I wanted info on Jodie's costume. There are still folks who will take any opportunity to mention that they don't like her, but they are few, and easily ignored. What's been (pleasantly) surprising is the widespread support for Ruth!Doctor, both as a concept (a regeneration even the Doctor doesn't know?) and an actress. There's one or two stubborn voices who seem to have assumed that this somehow erases Hartnell as the first Doctor and are personally offended by that, but the vast majority are positive - nigh 80% of votes putting it at 8/10 or above
A mixed-up non-conformist, trying to fit in.


Jan 30, 2020, 04:21 pm #28 Last Edit: Jan 30, 2020, 04:21 pm by Vale
Quote from: Angelus Lupus on Jan 30, 2020, 03:57 pm
I'm guessing you've seen some negative folks over there in the past? I joined there for season 11, because I wanted info on Jodie's costume. There are still folks who will take any opportunity to mention that they don't like her, but they are few, and easily ignored. What's been (pleasantly) surprising is the widespread support for Ruth!Doctor, both as a concept (a regeneration even the Doctor doesn't know?) and an actress. There's one or two stubborn voices who seem to have assumed that this somehow erases Hartnell as the first Doctor and are personally offended by that, but the vast majority are positive - nigh 80% of votes putting it at 8/10 or above

Actually I've deliberately never posted on Gallifrey Base, but I was a regular on Outpost Gallifrey from before the new series was even announced - which is precisely why I've deliberately never posted on Gallifrey Base ;)


Having studied the 'glamour' shots that have been posted and the episode 'screenshots' it has become apparent that they are actually two completely different layouts.....

The wall we see in the episode has the main entrance with the  classic main doors, has the holographic window to the right of it and to the left a fault panel wall with only 3 panels and 3 suspended fault lights above.. this contains the brass balls and the chameleon helmet. But, in the glamour shots the fault wall has 4 panels and 4 suspended lights and another take on the old fault wall behind it... two completely different fault room sections.

In the glamour shots we see 3 walls with the double 3 roundel columns that match the main door wall configuration, but there is also a photo of Ruth stood in the gap between the two 2 roundel sections with the recessed 8 roundel wall behind.

in total if you count up the number of different walls we see in both the screenshots and the glamour shots we have too many walls for a six sided hexagonal room as laid out on the floor.
A final detail to notice is that the console in the glamour shots is facing a different rotational angle the the screen shots, telling us the room was reconfigured between the glamour shots and actual filming....