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My 13th-14th Doctor's TARDIS Exterior build (1:13 Scale)


Hey everyone, so I've been on a binge watching PB Props and Batmanmarch's TARDIS model kit videos over the course of this week and I've gotten inspired to try and make one of my own. I'd thought I'd document my journey on this forum as I go along. This is my first, ever, time doing something like this but, I'd like to give it a go never the less. And, not let my doubts and anxiety take control and miss out! 😅

I'd also like to mention that, I'm not a traditional artist. I've drawn quite a bit in the past but I wouldn't say that I'm a good drawer. But, I've dabbled in some papercrafting during the lockdown. I think Doctor Who Adventures (the YouTube channel, not the  kids magazine) made some templates of some TARDISes and Daleks. And for what it was it turned out okay. I won't have the slight advantage as the regular traditional artist or model maker would have when constructing something like this but, I guess it's the taking part that counts!

As the title of this topic states, I'll be attempting to construct the AWJ (Arwel Wyn Jones) TARDIS box. The box used by Jodie Whittaker, David Tennant and Ncuti Gatwa in the show. When I first saw the design of that box, I was quite young at the time and I just really hated it 😅. But overtime & growing up that box has grown on me and it ultimately became my top favourite box design! And I'll really be sad to see it go when that box retires eventually. I'll be getting the model kit off of Jamie Bate's website and it'll be in scale with the Character Options 5.5 inch figures. It'll go really well with my 14th & 15th Doctor figures in my collection!

So, I'm just going to wrap this up as the first post is getting a bit lengthy. If any of you folks in the forum have any advice on starting out or tips on constructing the Jamie Bate kits do let me know! And which brand of paints and brushes that'll work really well!

Hey folks, so I have a couple of questions for starting out on these Jamie Bate kits;

1) Which paint brand would be best for wooden kits like these?

2) Would I need to buy a can of primer and prime the pieces before painting them?

Hey folks, so I've ordered my AWJ Tardis model kit of off Jamie Bate's website. In the meantime I'll start prepping for equipment and paint and stuff.

The two questions which I've asked on Tuesday, I'm still open for answers for. Any answer would be much appreciated!
(As long as it's constructive)
Hey folks, my AWJ Tardis model kit will be arriving in a week's time so over the weekend I'll be collecting some tools such as brushes, glue, paint, etc.,. As far as I'm aware, Jamie Bate's TARDIS model kits don't usually come with the handles, lock and lamp. For the handles and lock, I'm thinking of getting dollhouse door handles which hopefully are small enough so that it coincides with the 5.5" Doctor Who figure size.

As for the lamp, Jamie very kindly offered me a spare 11th Doctor's TARDIS lamp piece, so I'll be using that instead. It won't be as accurate but, hey, what can you do? 🤷‍♂️

Anyway, really looking forward to receiving the model kit through the post soon!
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Hey all, my JB TARDIS Kit arrived today, it was meant to arrive next monday so that was a pleasant surprise! And another pleasant surprise is that the kit actually comes with handles and a lock!! So I don't need to worry about ordering any loose mini handles!!

I'm going to get the equipment such as the paint, brushes, glue etc., in a week's time as over the weekend I've got a couple of busy days ahead of me which need to take priority. But, stay tuned!!
Hey everyone, it's been a while since my last post on here. A couple of delays got in the way.

Anyway, I've managed to get some paint and glue today. I'll be starting on my build tomorrow afternoon, 'can't wait to crack on with it! 😁
Some more progress with the TARDIS model kit. I've glued most of the pieces, so far I've gotten the roof & base, the three box panels and the two doors. Which brings me to my next point; the doors will be functional with proper hinges (hopefully, if everything goes to plan!) it's possible with the kits at this scale. I have encountered a slight issue though, the hinges which I've got are a bit too big and don't fit so I'm going to look for some even smaller hinges tomorrow and hoping they fit, if not...I may have to scrap the opening doors feature. 'Hopefully the latter doesn't happen...I am a bit worried though 😟

rassilonsrod Mike Verta Sorry to tag you both into this, but what is the file limit in this new forum? I'm trying to upload an image and it wouldn't let me...I've tried compressing it down as well and...that didn't work either

EDIT: Compressing the image to 2mb has done the trick


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Hey folks,

I've had a bit of a full day so 'wasn't able to work on my TARDIS model. However there is also another reason why I've paused it. So, in short, the door hinges which I've got, while very small, are still a bit big for a model like this. I placed the hinge (without gluing it) on the door pieces and it was big. In the picture you can notice that the doors do have tabs at the top and bottom & has wooden rods as well to support the doors (That's the best way I can put it onto text). The only problem is, the kit consists of very thin pieces for some parts including said wooden rods and I'm worried that'll snap. This photo should help explain it better...

tardis door problem.png

I asked another forum about this issue and somebody mentioned to use a 1mm brass rod, stick it where the wooden rods should be and that can help open the doors without anything snapping. I'll double check this with a neighbour tomorrow though, he's renovating his house and he knows more about this stuff than I do.
Hey folks, so the neighbour had a look at the doors and he had a couple of ideas that he wanted to try on the next day. However, the next day (which was today) he was quite busy today and wasn't able to help I think he'll come in tomorrow and have a proper look.

In the meantime, I've decided to paint the roof & base and the three wall panels. I've added two coats of paint, I'll send a picture of how it looks tomorrow. My plan is to add a couple of washes of some lighter blue to give it that multiple shaded look that the AWJ prop(s) had.
Reference image here:
Then once the entire painting stage is finished, I'll give it a coat of semi-gloss lacquer to seal the paint and give it that slight shiny coating that can be seen at certain environments.
Here's a picture of the base colour, it's 95% dried!

As mentioned before, I've added two coats of paint. That's done it quite nicely! There's some splodges of extra paint here and there, I've done my best to evenly spread the paint. Go easy on me, it's my first time doing this! 😅😟

What do you think so far, everyone? Would love to read what you think at this stage of the build.
Hey everyone, I've added a wash to the painted pieces to give it that "shaded" look that the AWJ prop(s) have. That was a bit of a nerve-wracking & stressful process as I didn't want to screw up the base paint. But overall, the wash process went okay. I could've added a bit more but I wanted to go by the "less is more" motto, and not add too much so that the base paint wasn't visible at all.

I've also sprayed it down with some semi-gloss lacquer to seal the paint now so there's no going back to the paint (at least to my knowledge...). I've left it to dry overnight and I'll check in the morning to see how it turns out. Not going to lie, I'm quite nervous as I really don't know how well it'll turn out...
Hey folks, so the neighbour had a look at the doors and he had a couple of ideas that he wanted to try on the next day. However, the next day (which was today) he was quite busy today and wasn't able to help I think he'll come in tomorrow and have a proper look.
The neighbour had some other matters to attend to which were more important so I've decided that I'll take matters into my own hands when it comes to the doors. I've asked about how else I could place the doors and somebody from the "UK Workshop Forum", suggested to replace the wooden tabs on the doors (see reply below) with a 1mm brass rod and use that as the door hinge. I need to ask you guys on THIS forum to see if that would work...do you have any ideas on how else I could tackle the door issue?

(Some answers would defo be appreciated please...just liking my posts whilst I appreciate, doesn't really help when I've got literally no input. Apologies that I come across attention seeking but I do need some input and other ideas as I'm getting closer and closer to assembling the doors. And I'm really stumped in figuring out an alternative solution due to my worries that the tabs on the doors themselves could snap...)
In the picture you can notice that the doors do have tabs at the top and bottom & has wooden rods as well to support the doors (That's the best way I can put it onto text). The only problem is, the kit consists of very thin pieces for some parts including said wooden rods and I'm worried that'll snap. This photo should help explain it better...

tardis door problem.png

I asked another forum about this issue and somebody mentioned to use a 1mm brass rod, stick it where the wooden rods should be and that can help open the doors without anything snapping. I'll double check this with a neighbour tomorrow though, he's renovating his house and he knows more about this stuff than I do.
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I use scale model cabinet hinges for the doors on my models. I’m not sure what scale you are building, but you can pick up 8mm square ones off Amazon for about £3.99 a pack, but smaller versions are available if you hunt around the internet.

I lay them flat across the back of the door and the door surround and secure them with epoxy resin.
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I use scale model cabinet hinges for the doors on my models. I’m not sure what scale you are building, but you can pick up 8mm square ones off Amazon for about £3.99 a pack, but smaller versions are available if you hunt around the internet.

I lay them flat across the back of the door and the door surround and secure them with epoxy resin.
Thanks for your answer! So I'm building a 1:13 scale model which is in-line with the Character Options figures. I did buy some small hinges from B&Q, I believe they were butt hinges, but they were a bit too big to lay flat. I think they were roughly 15mm in size? I'll get the proper measurements in the morning.

I don't have any epoxy resin but I do have some Gorilla multi-material glue, should that work instead?
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