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Logopolis & Castrovalva: Wandering the corridors of the TARDIS

Now that I've done most of the objects in Romana's room, I had to tackle the big feathery things that always seemed like they'd be a huge challenge. Having learned a thing or two doing the plants in the cloister room, the feathers were actually quite quick and simple to do (apart from some odd bugs where changing the colour of one feather changed the colour of another to a completely different colour). As they have a lot of fine structure, I wasn't surprised when Blender's denoising made a smeary mess of them:
I tried again a bit closer and with more samples, but clearly they are going to be a bit of a headache to render nicely.
My battles with Blender to show the feathers properly, have been very frustrating, but they are easier to see now, if perhaps a bit too dense.
I had to drop the render quality too, as for the first time I got a crash during the rendering step.
A few more bits for the shelves, and the weird alien horse sculpture from Full Circle.

A closer view of the pastel crystal and fancy sphere. These are the first things I've had to invent to fill up the parts of the shelves that aren't visible in either Full Circle or Logopolis, but I think they're along the lines of the other objects she has.
A nice bonus is the view of the rest of the room in the chrome bottle on the right.
I've also been tinkering with the hidden corner of the room. As there's no room for a bedside cabinet, I decided to make another custom roundel, that pops open to reveal a little shelf for a glass of water or jewellery (or whatever Timelords take off at night). It also has a built-in gentle downlight for bedtime reading.
This corner also includes another painting seen in Full Circle (not that you can see much of it here) and a sort of wicker mobile from the same story. The discs are supposed to be white, so I'm not sure why they've ended up green here.
The chrome scultpure thing kinda makes me think of a TensaBarrier pole :D

The Purple and Gold sphere must have been an absolute beast to model!! :o
The Purple and Gold sphere must have been an absolute beast to model!! :o
As seems to be the way with Blender, some of the best looking results take the least time and effort. I produced the basic shape just playing around with some modifiers and only later realized it fit Romana's taste in glassware edged with metal.

It's just an icosphere with a wireframe modifier, followed by a bevel modifier. That's it for the shape, then a noise texture plugged into the Displacement node of the Material Output, to make the rippled glass effect.