angelus lupus
Active member
I was idly making a comparison image of the 13th Doctor’s t-shirts, when I spotted some things didn’t match up. I don't know if this has been clarified anywhere else but, as far as I can tell, there are five t-shirt variants over the season:
First is the dark-blue, scoop-neck as seen in at the end of The Woman Who Fell to Earth and through into The Ghost Monument. This is generally accepted as a Brandy Melville Rin Rainbow shirt in navy (or a copy of this) possibly over-dyed as the stripes aren't as vivid.
Key features are the wide neck, and the short, angled sleeves. The stripes on this one are continuous around the back like the Rin original.

Next we have Rosa where The Doctor has a dark red version of the same shirt. When she takes off her coat (so Mrs Parks can repair it) we see this shirt has the same shape as the first. I thought this could also be an over-dyed Rin (but here using the white version) however, behind-the-scenes images show no stripes on the back. The wide neck on both of these shirts allows the white undershirt to occasionally show.

It's back to the first shirt until The Tsuranga Conundrum where we again see a red t-shirt. This one is different in that the neck-line is much smaller (making the gap between the edge and the stripes larger) and has a wider hem. When we see this shirt again in Demons of the Punjab and behind-the-scenes shots, we can see the sleeves are longer and hemmed like the neck. In certain lighting this shirt appears more magenta than the previous red shirt.

On to Kerblam! and The Witchfinders. Right from the start we see the doctor without her coat, allowing us to see that this is a dark-blue t-shirt with no stripes on the back. There’s no change to how dark this shirt is when the Doctor takes an impromptu swim.

We return to the very first shirt for the last part of the season, until the New Year’s Day special, Resolution. Here we, again, see a blue t-shirt. However, on closer inspection this shirt is a lighter blue. (nearer to a teal). This may also explain why the pink stripe in particular is notably brighter when printed(?) on this shirt.

In summary:

First is the dark-blue, scoop-neck as seen in at the end of The Woman Who Fell to Earth and through into The Ghost Monument. This is generally accepted as a Brandy Melville Rin Rainbow shirt in navy (or a copy of this) possibly over-dyed as the stripes aren't as vivid.
Key features are the wide neck, and the short, angled sleeves. The stripes on this one are continuous around the back like the Rin original.

Next we have Rosa where The Doctor has a dark red version of the same shirt. When she takes off her coat (so Mrs Parks can repair it) we see this shirt has the same shape as the first. I thought this could also be an over-dyed Rin (but here using the white version) however, behind-the-scenes images show no stripes on the back. The wide neck on both of these shirts allows the white undershirt to occasionally show.

It's back to the first shirt until The Tsuranga Conundrum where we again see a red t-shirt. This one is different in that the neck-line is much smaller (making the gap between the edge and the stripes larger) and has a wider hem. When we see this shirt again in Demons of the Punjab and behind-the-scenes shots, we can see the sleeves are longer and hemmed like the neck. In certain lighting this shirt appears more magenta than the previous red shirt.

On to Kerblam! and The Witchfinders. Right from the start we see the doctor without her coat, allowing us to see that this is a dark-blue t-shirt with no stripes on the back. There’s no change to how dark this shirt is when the Doctor takes an impromptu swim.

We return to the very first shirt for the last part of the season, until the New Year’s Day special, Resolution. Here we, again, see a blue t-shirt. However, on closer inspection this shirt is a lighter blue. (nearer to a teal). This may also explain why the pink stripe in particular is notably brighter when printed(?) on this shirt.

In summary: