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13th Doctor's t-shirts

angelus lupus

Active member
I was idly making a comparison image of the 13th Doctor’s t-shirts, when I spotted some things didn’t match up. I don't know if this has been clarified anywhere else but, as far as I can tell, there are five t-shirt variants over the season:

First is the dark-blue, scoop-neck as seen in at the end of The Woman Who Fell to Earth and through into The Ghost Monument. This is generally accepted as a Brandy Melville Rin Rainbow shirt in navy (or a copy of this) possibly over-dyed as the stripes aren't as vivid.
Key features are the wide neck, and the short, angled sleeves. The stripes on this one are continuous around the back like the Rin original.
13 tshirts1.jpg

Next we have Rosa where The Doctor has a dark red version of the same shirt. When she takes off her coat (so Mrs Parks can repair it) we see this shirt has the same shape as the first. I thought this could also be an over-dyed Rin (but here using the white version) however, behind-the-scenes images show no stripes on the back. The wide neck on both of these shirts allows the white undershirt to occasionally show.
13 tshirts2.jpg

It's back to the first shirt until The Tsuranga Conundrum where we again see a red t-shirt. This one is different in that the neck-line is much smaller (making the gap between the edge and the stripes larger) and has a wider hem. When we see this shirt again in Demons of the Punjab and behind-the-scenes shots, we can see the sleeves are longer and hemmed like the neck. In certain lighting this shirt appears more magenta than the previous red shirt.
13 tshirts3.jpg

On to Kerblam! and The Witchfinders. Right from the start we see the doctor without her coat, allowing us to see that this is a dark-blue t-shirt with no stripes on the back.  There’s no change to how dark this shirt is when the Doctor takes an impromptu swim.
13 tshirts4.jpg

We return to the very first shirt for the last part of the season, until the New Year’s Day special, Resolution. Here we, again, see a blue t-shirt. However, on closer inspection this shirt is a lighter blue. (nearer to a teal). This may also explain why the pink stripe in particular is notably brighter when printed(?) on this shirt.
13 tshirts5.jpg

In summary:
13 shirts 1-5.jpg
Great work here!

I've actually noticed a sixth shirt, which seems to have only appeared in the Children In Need Special. It's a regular-cut t-shirt with the original stripe pattern from Shirt 1, except more faded and blurred together.

Also, the base shirt is slightly more green in hue than Shirt 1.

I'd assumed that Children in Need shirt was Shirt 5 because that one changes brightness/hue significantly between the episode and the behind-the-scenes stuff. It's clear those were filmed together because the corn/wheat field behind Jodie in the interview is the one she runs across to the get to the Dalek. In fact there's a lot of colour-grading in the post-production this series, which often seems to be compensating for wildly varying weather during filming (noted in the BTS of The Witchfinders where they had everything from bright sun to snow) which meant it wasn't always easy to be sure on the actual colours.
As an example, compare these images of shirt 2, one from the series trailer, and one from a BBC promo image. The reds are very different - it seems they gave Rosa a slight sepia tint in post.
13 reds_comp.png

You just made me re-watch the CiN video where the young fan gets given her own Doctor costume - here's my analysis:
There's a great shot where she stands next to Jodie and you can compare what they are wearing.

Clearly it's over-sized to allow her to grow into it, but so much matches (more so than Jodie next to the cosplayers in the Hot Topic merch). Anna (the fan) is wearing an exact match for shirt 4 - lack of vividness in the stripes and general blurriness - whereas Jodie's stripes are more clearly defined and the pink stripe is brighter. But under the same lighting the actual base shirts are the same colour.
So, I think you are right that this is another shirt (shirt 6) - dark blue like #4, but with the better quality stripes like #5. It might even be possible that, with a nicer replacement for it, they gave the (an?) actual shirt 4 to Anna!

I've posted my findings over at the Gallifrey Base forums,  I've added this new information.
So series 12 is done, and I've been updating my research. (Truth be told, I had a period where I was just making minor tweaks to the layout and formatting, rather than actually comparing screenshots and images)
Here it is, updated for s12, and in PDF format - Layout and colours rather heavily influenced by Terrasolo's excellent Sonic research - imitation being the sincerest form of flattery and all that!  ;)


Thoughts, suggestions, corrections? All welcome!
The original blue stripe top is from Brandy Melville as I have one myself, and the Black and Royal Blue jumpers are made by Corgi, the same as her Socks

The boots are Fiorentini Baker Eternity Elme boots and she also has the Paul Smith Rainbow Stripe Scarf in ‘Resolution’

The Black and Gold Bowtie seen in Spyfall is from a company called Blue Eyes Bowties, the Black coat seen in it is from Paul Smith, their Woman's Double Breasted Opera jacket

Hope that helps

I originally had a line about the top being an over-dyed Brandy Melville, but I trimmed it for space, I guess I should put it back in.
As for the details on the rest of the outfit(s), I could always add it as an afterword, but since I was focusing on the shirts I thought it was straying from my topic?
I have been adding to my research on this - I just completely forgot to update it here  :-[
Looking at my last update, I got as far as the end of s12, noted the prison jumpsuit, and included the jumpers (I need to add a line about them being the official ones from the same folks that made the socks).
I have to double check s13 and the last specials, I don't think there are any surprises but I should document which tops were worn, and when.

Anyway, here's the link to my most recent update, v2.71, and thanks for giving me a kick in the... incentive to complete this (even if it means admitting that Jodie's era really is over :( )
13th Doctor's Shirts
Still cracking on with this, part of the task is getting suitable screenshots from the episodes - a task hindered when the mood lighting in the Tardis plays tricks with the colours. This is a particularly extreme example of what I've had to do:

And I'm currently straining my eyes to see if the shirt Jodie is wearing on the two occasion she's dangling in the air (hanging upside-down in Karvanista's trap, and floating in front of the Mourai) is a different one. It may be a Rin Rainbow shirt that hasn't been over-dyed to mute the colours. My current theory is it's new one modified to allow the stunt wires/harness to pass through or be hidden.
Whichever way I enhance the images the stripes are too vibrant, and the white too pure (to my eyes at least) for it to be the same as shirt 1. If anyone knows where to find behind-the-scenes images of these stunts before the added fx, it would help a lot.
Happy whatever you celebrate!

Here's a gift: the latest update, with the addition of scarves and covering to The Power of the Doctor. I'm open to any corrections you may have, or if you see anything I missed. I'd still like to get better images of the stunt shirt, just to confirm one way or the other, but otherwise it's complete.

13's Shirts, latest.
Very, very late addendum: as part of an auction in aid of Children in Need there's a whole load of costumes pieces going up for sale- mostly 13 (and randomly some unused 11 prototypes from before Matt convinced them to go with the tweed)
Auction link (it's for charity so this shouldn't break any forum rules?)

Included is this unique jumper variation: It's the only jumper that has the stripes oriented the same as the shirts, but bizarrely much lower - almost as if the torso section was made upside-down. Thing is, I can't recall ever seeing this one on-screen! Unless I can spot this on my next re-watch (or someone with better eyes does first) then I'm hedging towards this being an unused prototype.

I may use some of the auction images to update my research as the fading/wear shines some light on which shirts were custom dyed and how the stripes were added.