Textured glass/plastic suggestion for 1/6 Altered Brachaki model

Started by jamiebate, Jun 29, 2015, 01:14 pm

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Can anyone suggest anything slightly textured that may be of use to me?, I'm in the UK btw.


Jamie, some people have used the sides of plastic milk cartons for the "pebbled" glass in their models' windows; the plastic is frosted, and textured, and at that scale about the right "pebbling" for the window panes. That would be easy to cut to shape. And since the Brachacki (Original and Altered) had all of the panes in all of the windows pebbled, all you would need to do is cut the shapes to fit the whole window and it should look just like the real prop (especially when photographed up close).

I hope this is helpful.

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"

elevator guy17

I'm actually thinking about using the plastic covers for fluorescent lighting its easy to cut and comes in alot of styles and textures, plus its cheap. You may want to check it out most hardware stores will carry it.


Well, aside from the fact that those "textures" look like impact craters rather than pebbled glass, I think for the scale of model you're building the eBay stuff would be a little large texture-wise. That's why I suggested the textured plastic of a milk carton. Others building models of your scale, or close to it, used that and it looked perfect. It's also easy to cut and trim with scissors.

"What's wrong with being childish?! I like being childish." -3rd Doctor, "Terror of the Autons"